Kill the Intruders!


I don't own Akame Ga Kill!!

" Why are you sleeping on the floor? " Akame asked while looking at Gilga with her usual blank face from her bed.

" I don't want to disturb you. By the way, why are you not asleep? " Gilga asked.

" Well, I can't sleep without you... " Akame said, bluntly.

" Well... If you insist... " Gilga said as he climbs on Akame's bed and sleep beside her.

After Gilga sleeps beside her, Akame still couldn't fall asleep as she keeps fiddling uncomfortably. Noticing this, Gilga then asked. " What's the matter? Still can't fall asleep? "

" Un. " Akame nodded while looking away from Gilga. " C... Could you hug me like last night? " Akame asked with her face red.

With a smile, Gilga gets close to Akame and hugs her directly. Akame, feeling his embraces, relaxes her body and slowly enters to her dreamland.

" What a cute girl. " Gilga chuckled as he caresses Akame's head before also falling asleep with Akame on his arms.

Tomorrow morning, as usual, Gilga wakes up earlier than everyone despite having his stamina drained last night.

" Yawn. What should I cook? " Gilga mumbles while rummaging the refrigerator, which is filled to the brim with the ingredients he bought from the capital.

" Hum. How about lightly salted ramen? " A feminine yet charismatic voice asked.

" Hmm... I see. Ramen in the morning sounds good huh? Ms.Najenda? " Gilga said as he takes out ingredients necessary to make ramen and then looks at Najenda.

Najenda is a woman with short silver hair and purple eyes. She has an eyepatch which covees her right eye and a mechanical arm installed on her right arm. She wears a black suit with netting that shows the cleavage of her E-cup peaks. Currently she's smoking her usual black cigar.

" And by the way, why are you smoking in the kitchen? " Gilga asked.

" First, this is my kitchen, so I'm free to do whatever I want in the kitchen. Two, you're in my turf, so you have no right to criticize what I did. And third, who are you and what are you doing in my hideout? " Najenda asked with a glare after she smokes.

" First, I'm Gilga. Second I'm here cooking breakfast for the people here. And lastly, I'm not a foe, so drop your hostility. " Gilga said as he starts cooking.

" If you're not a foe, then I suppose Akame and the others take you in. " Najenda said. " Oh! It smells good! " Najenda said as she sniffs Gilga's cooking.

" Alright. Take your seat Ms.Najenda. I'll make a special ramen menu for you. " Gilga said. But Najenda rejected his offer.

" No thanks I'll pass. I'll keep watching you. Who knows what stunt you'll pull when I'm not watching. " Najenda said as she smokes.

" Alright. But please do me a favor. Just don't smoke your damn cigarettes here. This is a kitchen. Not your personal smoking area. " Gilga said. " Unless you want me to make a cigarette flavored ramen for you. " Gilga said with serious tone, forcing Najenda to stop smoking her cigarette.

" Alright. You win chef. " Najenda said while heaving a sigh.

" Un. " Gilga nodded and cooks the breakfast.

" By the way, how did you end up here? " Najenda asked.

" Well, I'm with my friend from the village on a house which coincidentally was a target of Akame and co. But I killed the owner of the house and all of his guards, maids, wife and daughter. " Gilga said bluntly while still cooking.

" Oh? And why did you kill them? " Najenda asked.

" Because they tried to drug us, that I can still tolerate. But what I can't tolerate is the fact that he attempted to torture and harm my friends by attempting to abduct them late at night. Angered, I deliver what they deserve at the night before Akame and co arrived. And when they arrive, as the spectator, they can't have us freely roam the capital, so I suggested to follow them to the capital. " Gilga explained, and Najenda nodded. " And breakfast is done. " Gilga said as he has finished cooking 11 normal servings of ramen and 10 jumbo servings ramen

In the dining room, everyone is seated already. Gilga then served everyone one serving of ramen, with the exception of Akame who has 10 jumbo servings ramen.

" Oh! What a fragrant smell! Good work as usual cook! Maybe you can have a head chef title here! Mwahahahaha! " Mine said with her totally annoying yet unique laughter after sniffing the ramen.

" Shut up and start eating small tit. " Gilga ridicules as he eats his ramen.

" What?! Why you little... " Mine said with her face red in anger and embarrassment.

" Tits? " Gilga interjects, snapping Mine completely.

" I'll kill you! " Mine roared as she points Pumpkin at Gilga, but got her head knocked by Sayo. " What's that for? " Mine asked Sayo with tears on her eyes.

" This is the dining room, a place to eat, not a place to fight. If you want to fight then go outside. " Sayo said as she eats her ramen. Her word is approved by Bulat and Akame who nods their head in unison while enjoying their ramen.

" Oh. You're so good at cooking. Brother might fall for you. " Bulat exclaimed while winking and blushing. But Gilga doesn't mind Bulat's comment as he continues eating his ramen.

As they eat, Gilga notices that Leone is talking with Najenda. Leone who notices Gilga's gaze look at him for a moment before looking back at Najenda and continue talking with her. After a few moments, Leone hurriedly runs away with pale face, but got caught by Najenda who launches her mechanical right arm and reels Leone to her while her right arm produces screeching sound.

" After you all finished your breakfast, gather up in the throne room. " Najenda said while lighting her cigar. And indeed, after breakfast all of them directly heads to the throne room.

" I've heard everything from Leone. And I've grasped the situation completely. You want to join Night Raid, but with some conditions. What's your conditions? " Najenda asked.

" I want to have freedom to decide what I'll do, what mission I'll take in the future. " Gilga said, surprising everyone there. Najenda excluded.

" Gilga. You can't be serious. You want to join this group? What about our pledge to make it big in the capital and saves our village? " Tatsumi asked.

" As you can see, the capital is rotting. And do you think that by serving this rotten country, you can save our village? " Gilga said.

" You're Tatsumi right? " Najenda asked and Tatsumi nodded. " From what I heard from your conversation between you and that boy there, I could say that by joining Night Raid, your dream of saving your village could come true. " Najenda added.

" What? How come? " Ieyasu asked.

" You see. There's a place on the south which is the hideout of an anti Empire troops known as Revolutionary Army. " Najenda said and starts to tell about what Revolutionary Army is, how it's founded, what it does, what is it's goal, and the Revolutionary Army's subdivisions. " That's the gist of it. There are also another objectives too. But I'll leave it for later. " Najenda said.

" Will the new country treat their citizens well? " Tatsumi asked while looking at Najenda's eyes.

" Of course. " Najenda said.

" So, the killing you're doing now is to get rid of the trash of the empire. Now that's what people call as assassins of justice! " Tatsumi and Ieyasu said while clenching their fist in excitement.

After saying those words, the Night Raid members look at Tatsumi and Ieyasu with disbelief before laughing with the exception of Akame who wears her usual blank face, startling Tatsumi, Ieyasu, Sayo and Navia. Gilga however shakes his head because of Tatsumi's and Ieyasu's words.

" Hehehe. " Leone chuckles. " Well, Tatsumi. What we're doing is murder. So, no matter how you sugarcoat it, a murder is a murder. " Leone said as her smile disappeared and her expression turns cold.

" A murder has no justice in it. " Sheele  who is usually silent and clumsy said with sadness.

" Every person here can receive their retribution and die anytime. " Bulat stated while looking at Tatsumi and Ieyasu.

' Retribution eh? But, I will not let anyone die. ' Gilga thought. " And despite knowing this, Tatsumi, Ieyasu, Sayo and Navia. Do you still want to join Night Raid? " Gilga asked. " After knowing all these, do you still want to join Night Raid? Tatsumi? Ieyasu? " Gilga asked. " By the way, if you don't accept, they'll probably kill you off. " Gilga added while sneering.

" Eh? Eh??!!!!! " Ieyasu and Tatsumi exclaimed with horror.

" No.. no.. no.... Don't get the wrong idea. I never said that you'll get killed if you refuse. I'll just station you as a staff in the base. " Najenda said. " So, what do you all think? " Najenda asked.

" We'll join. Because we follow wherever Gilga goes. " Sayo and Navia said together.

" If by joining this group, we can save our village, then we'll gladly join. " Ieyasu said.

" But, joining us means you all can't just waltz back to your village you know? " Mine said.

" Well, that matters not. What's matter is we can save the village, so count me in! "  Tatsumi said, slightly increasing Mine's opinion on him.

" It's decided then, Tatsumi, Ieyasu, Gilga, Sayo and Navia. Welcome to the path of carnage! " Najenda said.

" And looks like there're some rats. Looks like they manages to get close to your hideout Ms.Najenda. " Gilga said.

" What? How did you? " Lubbock wished to retort what Gilga said, but his strings suddenly act up. " What? Najenda-san! There're intruders! From the reaction of my thread, there're around 20 people or so! " Lubbock informed.

" I see. They're probably hired by the capital. They've done well to sniff out this place. " Najenda said as she puts her cigar on her mouth. " There's no other way. It's an emergency sortie. Don't let any of them return alive. " Najenda added and all of the Night Raid members' expression turns cold as killing intent emanates from their body before they shot out from the room and heads towards the intruders. Feeling their killing intent, Tatsumi, Ieyasu, Navia and Sayo trembled and shivered unconsciously.

" Form a team of two. Sayo and Navia, both of you heads north, while Tatsumi and Ieyasu heads the south. Your target is the people who isn't affiliated with Night Raid. Go! " Gilga ordered and then Tatsumi and co do as they are told by Gilga. Gilga then also heads out to eliminate the intruders.

With Akame.

Akame is standing beside the riverside. In front of her are 5 native tribesman, each holding their respective weapons.

" The fact that she's here means their hideout must be here! " Tribesman A stated. " It's worth it searching this area diligently. " Tribesman A added.

" Still though. What a cute babe. I wonder how her inside feels. I bet she's still a virgin! " Tribesman B exclaimed, causing all other tribesman to be excited.

" Eh? Why is she upside down? " Tribesman C muttered.

" What are you talking about? Clearly she is standing normally right? " Tribesman D said.

" Sorry to break it to you all, but you all are on the brink of death already. " An anonymous voice can be heard coming from Akame's direction. And then the tribesmen look at the figure and notices that it's a boy with strange square device on his hand. " You must be wondering what the hell happened to me, so let me explain. What you're hearing is my voice which is fast forwarded 512 times faster. If you could listen to this, then that means your perception is increased by 500 times. Good news is, you can enjoy the rest of your time in that state. Bad news, what you'll enjoy during that time is the experience of your head being cut. In normal circumstances, you should've been dead 50 seconds later, but since your perception is increased by 500 times, so... Let's do a little math here. 50 seconds times 500 is 25000 seconds which is approximately 7 hours. So enjoy the experience of getting your head being cut off. " The voice reverberates again. And after the voice dissipates, the tribesman felt a sharp pain on their neck.

" What the hell!!! " Tribesman B roared in his mind. " Argh! It hurts! " Tribesman B shouted in his mind painfully.

" Urkh! Why did this happen to us? " Tribesman C weeps in his mind.

" Now, before you die, I'll give you two reasons why I killed you all. In this manner. First, you all let your guard down too much on enemy's territory. And as for the next one. YOU ALL DARE FUCKING HARASSES MY AKAME BY WANTING TO KILL HER AND THEN DO WHAT YOU WANT WITH HER CORPSE? BEHEADING YOU ALL IS ALREADY TOO LIGHT OF A PUNISHMENT! SO BE GRATEFUL FOR IT! Well, even if you don't harass her, I'll still kill you, but not let you all suffer like this. So, FUCKING BYE! SUFFER! AND FUCKING DIE! " The voice boomed before it finally settled down and the tribesmen continue suffering for seven hours before they finally die.

Back to Gilga and Akame.

" Why did you interrupt me? " Akame asked. " I can eliminate them without problem. " Akame added while she looks at Gilga after looking the heads on the floor.

" Well, I just don't want their filthy blood tainting you. " Gilga said as he strokes Akame's hair. " Anyways, gotta go. Akame you go south. I'll leave Tatsumi and Ieyasu to you. " Gilga said as he dashed towards his next target.

In a bush on a certain hill, Mine is sniping a tribesman who are escaping. Because of the bush, she can't snipe her target well, so she stands up and aims at the target. And suddenly, behind her a tribesman appeared as swings his sword against Mine, but got bisected by Sheele.

" Nice assist. And also, with this rush it'll.... " Mine said as she aimed, but then she realized her target is dead, beheaded. What in the hell happened? She just looked at Sheele for a moment and her target is dead?

" Wait a minute. What's....!!!! " Mine mumbles as she notices a letter on the ground near the corpse of the tribesman and after that, she snarled angrily. " That golden haired boy! I'll kill him!! "

" Huh? What's that? ' Too late small tits. ' ??? " Sheele mumbles as she takes Mine's sniping googles and reads the letter aloud, causing Mine to snarl louder as she scans the surrounding while cursing " I'll kill that bastard!!!!! "

Leone is sitting on top of a beaten tribesman. Around her is the body of the 7 other tribesman. Currently Leone is a bit disappointed.

" Even though there are a lot of them, they aren't a worthy opponents. I feel lacking. " Leone mumbles while sighing.

" Why the long face Nee-san? " Gilga asked while hugging Leone, sealing her arms.

" Eh? " Leone gasped, flustered. ' What? Since when did he gets to my back? And also, what strength! I can't break free! ' Leone thought as she struggles to break free. But, Gilga reached her feline ears and nibbles it.

" Uhn! " Leone struggles to hold back her moan. " No. We're still on the mission. We shouldn't be doing this now. " Leone said while moaning with her face red.

" I see. That's reasonable. Besides I bet tiny tits is looking for me. Well, see you tonight Nee-san. " Gilga said as he stops hugging Leone and leaves her while continues eliminating 2 intruders on his way to north.