To Ryuusen


I don't own Akame Ga Kill!!

Near the outskirts of a village, Gilga is tending the wounds of the blonde girl he saved. Currently, she is stable already as the wound on her stomach has been stitched by Gilga which leaves no trace at all.

" Ugh... " The girl groaned as she opened her heavy eyelids.

" Oh? You're awake. " Gilga said in surprise as he never expected the girl to wake up so soon.

" W... Where... Ugh.. " The girl asked as she tried to sit, but got a sudden headache as she remembers the tragedy that befell her father and troops.

" F... Father... W... Where're you.... " The girl mumbles as she makes a grabbing motion.

" He's gone. " Gilga said, stopping the girl dead on her track.

" D... Dead? " The girl said and repeatedly mumbles the word 'dead' before starting to laugh hysterically.

" Yes... This must be just a dream... A nightmare. Yes. I'll wake up and may- " The girl said, and before she finished her words, a strange feeling starts to flare up inside her as she feels something warm wrapping her lip and something coils around her tongue.

The girl instinctively clawed Gilga's cloth with her hand, not rejecting him at the least while letting out sweet muffled moan.

After a few moment, Gilga break the kiss, " So, does this feel unreal to you? "

Hearing this, the girl's face turns red and she starts tearing up as she hid her face on Gilga's chest, " Huwa!!! Father!!! "

Gilga only caresses her head and accompanies her until she calms down.

" I'm... I'm sorry. " The girl sobbed as she slowly raised her face, revealing her swollen eyes.

" For want? " Gilga asked surprised, and then the girl points at Gilga's cloth which is wet from her tears, snot and saliva.

" Oh. You needn't mind this. If a beautiful girl did this, I won't mind. But if it's a male, I don't mind giving him a good beating. " Gilga said with a smile which caused the girl to chuckle.

" There you go... Smiling is what a beautiful girl like you should do. " Gilga said, causing the girl to blush.

" Spear... " The girl mumbles.

" Pardon me? " Gilga asked, albeit he already knew this Spear's name.

" Spear. That's my name. "  Spear said while still trying to smile.

" Un. I see. So,what are you planning to do now? " Gilga asked, causing Spear to stiffen up.

" I... " Spear said in trembling voice.

" You're not planning to do something like seek revenge don't you? " Gilga said while looking at Spear right in her eyes.

" What else can I do? Are you saying I should accept my father's death just like that! " Spear said while clawing Gilga's clothes as she starts to tear up again.

" Well, I didn't say you may not right? " Gilga said, causing Spear to look at him with surprise.

" But, with your current skill, you can't scratch any of them, much less kill them. " Gilga said, causing Spear to look at him dispiritedly. " What's more, the one who kill you is a former general, furthermore, he has a Teigu. Are you sure you are capable of killing him? " Gilga added, causing Spear to look down while biting her lip.

" ... *Sigh. Well then, how about I deal with them for you? But, after that, you become one of my girls. How's that? " Gilga said, causing Spear to look at him with confusion and her face red. " Because, I think it'll be a shame to let someone who's both skilled and beautiful to perish in a battle. Don't you think so? " Gilga said with a smile, causing Spear to blush again.

" B.. but, it doesn't feel right to let others handle my grudge. " Spear said.

" Well, the three of them doesn't have much time left anyways. " Gilga muttered.

" Huh? What do you mean by that? " Spear asked.

" I mean, they'll die. If it's not tomorrow, then probably the day after tomorrow? " Gilga said.

" Wha... " Spear looked at Gilga with disbelief.

" So, how bout it? I'll deal them, and then you become one of my girls? " Gilga asked. " I'll also let you deal with the one who is pulling the string behind your father's death afterwards. " Gilga added

Hearing this, Spear eyes went red as she asked, " The mastermind... Who is it? "

" Prime Minister Honest. " Gilga said, causing Spear to sigh.

" What's wrong? " Gilga asked.

" Uh. Prime Minister Honest... Unlike his look, he's quite proficient in close combat battle as he can keep up with one of the Rakshasha Demons. Not to mention his social standing. How am I supposed to take revenge against him? " Spear asked.

" Hehehe. That'll be a secret for now. " Gilga laughed. " Back to out main topic. After I deal with your father's murderer, will you become mine? " Gilga asked.

" By becoming one of your girls, what do you mean? " Spear asked.

" Well, what else do you think? " Gilga answered by questioning her while looking at her with an intense gaze.

Spear imagined Gilga sitting on the bed with three girls surrounding him, and she's there, being embraced by Gilga.

That kind of thinking caused Spear to blush and keeps mumbling, "Awawawa..." which is very cute.

" Stop thinking lewd things. You're too weak to do it yet. " Gilga chuckled causing Spear to blush and hide below the blanket... Although there's no blanket.

Seeing Spear's cute reaction, Gilga chuckled as he lifts Spear and heads towards Seryu's house.


Meanwhile, in the imperial capital, torture chamber.

Currently, Esdeath is torturing a goons of 'criminals'. Behind her is the Three Beasts, and Liver explains what happened during their mission.

" Is that so. " Esdeath said in a calm and cold tone. " You did well killing the former prime minister. But, you mentioned that a mysterious figure cloaked in black saved the daughter of the former prime minister. Correct? " Esdeath asked while lashing a thorned whip to a criminal. His scream echoes throughout the room.

" Yes Master. " Liver kneeled.

" And you three can't even react against this mysterious person, am I correct? " Esdeath asked with chilly tone as murderous intent is emitted from her body, causing Daidara and Nyau to shiver before kneeling.

" We will accept any punishment Esdeath-sama!! " The three of them said in unison, but then Esdeath sighed and turns towards them.

" I'm not punishing you. I just want to say, you all sure have realized your own weakness correct? " Esdeath stated, and the three of them nodded.

" Then, that's good. Train yourselves and treat it as your punishment. As for the former prime minister's daughter, I'll let the current prime minister know. You all may leave. " Esdeath said, and then the Three Beasts head out and train themselves. Esdeath however, still continues lashing the criminal while thinking about something.

" Ah! I accidentally killed him. " Esdeath snapped out to reality as the criminal she lashed has dies because Esdeath's lash broke his spinal cord, which killed him in an instant.

' Why do I feel I'll meet this mysterious figure? Well, forget it. ' Esdeath thought as she heads to the Minister and report the situation.


On Seryu's house.

After running while carrying Spear for a long time, finally Gilga arrived at Seryu's home. And as he arrives at Seryu's home, Gilga directly enters her room through her window.

And, coincidentally, today is Seryu's day off. Seryu had just finished taking a bath, and currently is changing. She's wearing only her white bra and underwear when Gilga steps on her window.

And, in an instant, Gilga takes a few quick snaps of Seryu in her undergarments.

Noticing someone's presence, Seryu turns back and notices Gilga who is squatting on her window while pointing a weird device towards her and carrying a girl. And, after a while, Seryu blushes as she covers her body while yelping cutely.

" Well, it's not like I haven't seen them or anything. " Gilga chuckled as he keeps his phone then he lays Spear on the bed. " Nevertheless, thanks for the treat I guess. " Gilga added while looking at the embarrassed Seryu.

" Muuu... Can't you just enter normally from the door? " Seryu pouted as she wears her green uniform.

" Well, I just want to try something new. " Gilga smiled.

" And, does this new thing include bringing another girl to my room? " Seryu asked as she looks at Gilga while crossing her arms on her chest.

" Uh... She's attacked by thugs and badly hurt. That's why I- " Gilga said.

" No. That's a total lie. She's a former disciple of Koukenji Temple. Although she's a former disciple, she alone is enough to face groups of soldiers alone, let alone a bunch of thugs. " Seryu said, interjecting Gilga.

" Uh... Have you ever meet her b- " Gilga said.

Seryu then takes out a paper, stopping Gilga from talking as he's pleasantly surprised with what Seryu shows him.

What Seryu shows Gilga is a wanted poster of Spear.










" Oh? As expected. They work fast. " Gilga said while nodding his head. " But still... 100 pieces of golds. Isn't that too cheap? My Spear only worth that much in their eyes? " Gilga grumbles irritatedly.

" That's what bothering you?! " Seryu asked in surprise.

" Well, never mind that. Why're you at your home? " Gilga asked.

" Today's my day off. That's why I'm home. " Seryu said.

" Ah. I see. Since it's your day off, should we go out on a date? " Gilga offered, and Seryu shyly nodded and clings to Gilga.

" That being said, Spear-chan. Be a good girl and stay here. We'll be back before night. " Gilga said as he leaves with Seryu on a date while leaving Spear behind.

" C... Chan!! " Spear blushed. " We just met and he already addresses me like that?! What's more, in front of a girl who seems like his girlfriend? " Spear mumbles.

' Become one of my girls. '

That words keeps reverberating inside Spear's head. She then turns around while covering herself on the blanket.

" ... What should I do?? " Spear thought and then sighed before she sleeps.


" So, what're you planning to do? " Seryu asked while licking an ice cream.

" ??? " Gilga looks at Seryu with confusion.

" I mean, the last time we go out together, you're going to eliminate Ogre. " Seryu said, not addressing Ogre as 'Teacher' like how she used to. " Who're you going to eliminate this time? " Seryu added.

" Why're you thinking like that? It's just a coincidence! A bloody coincidence! " Gilga staggered.

" So, it's just a coincidence eh? And you're implying that it's true that you want to eliminate someone today. " Seryu said with a smile.

" Don't smile while saying that word. " Gilga said while cold sweat is streaming down his head. " Anyways, yes. There are three people in going to eliminate. But, that's not the true reason I'm asking you out today. " Gilga said.

" ??? " This time, Seryu is the one who looks at Gilga with confusion.

" I want to know whether you got an invitation to join a special police force. " Gilga said, surprising Seryu.

" How did you know? I just received the letter this morning... " Seryu said with disbelief.

" And, are you going to join them? " Gilga asked.

" I don't know... " Seryu said while looking down and continue licking her ice cream.

" Well, join them... " Gilga said, surprising Seryu.

" I mean, you can join them to benefit the citizens. " Gilga explained, and yet, Seryu still look at Gilga with confusion.

" You can join them to eliminate bandits, thugs, etc which is beneficial for the citizens, as you're freeing them from anxiety and fear. " Gilga explained and Seryu's eyes shines.

" I see! As expected of Gilga! " Seryu said as she clings towards Gilga. " Alright. I've decided! I'll join the special police force! " Seryu declared.

" Good girl. " Gilga patted Seryu's head.

" Don't treat me like a kid... I'm not a kid anymore! Muuuuu!!! " Seryu said and then pouted.

" Hahaha. " Gilga laughed and then they part ways.

On a certain roof.

" What the hell are you doing Gilga? Why are you with Sheele's killer?! " Leone in her beast form bit her lip with her hand shaking in anger.

" Sheele's not dead. " A familiar voice reverberates behind her, and then she felt something warm enveloping her beast ear.

Leone gasps in surprise as she tries to stand up but to no avail.

" Gilga... Just how the hell you managed to sneak behind me? " Leone gritted her teeth as she starts breathing heavily.

" That's not important. I want you to not lay a hand on Seryu. It's is I who ordered her to assault Sheele and Mine. But worry not. Sheele's fine and alive. " Gilga said. " And, I know Ms.Najenda told you to observe Esdeath's movement, but, let me remind you... Under no circumstances you're to assassinate her. She's not your everyday's thug. " Gilga added.

" And that being said, I have a ship to board. So, bye! " Gilga said as he let Leone go and heads toward the great canal where a huge luxury ship is anchored.

" Should I report this to boss? " Leone mumbles as she slowly gets up. " Ahh!!! Forget it! What's important now is observing Esdeath's movement! " Leone scratches her head before searching for Esdeath.