Battle on Ryuusen ( Part 2 )


I don't own Akame Ga Kill!!

" G... General Liver... " Bulat said with his eyes open wide.

He indeed had heard from Gilga that General Liver is one of the enemies, but deep inside his heart, he doesn't wish to his previous superior-, no, partner, becomes his enemy.

" Well, I'm no longer a general, so drop that General thing. Now, I work for Esdeath-sama. " Liver said. " And, I can see that you're still lively and kicking Bulat. How have you been? " Liver asked.

" Never been terrible. Never have I thought that you will one day become my enemy. " Bulat said.

" I agree. I also never thought that someday we'll face each other like this... " Liver sighed. " Fate works in weird way sometimes... " Liver added while shaking his head, depressed.

After saying those few words, any sign of hesitations cease to exist as both of them hit their own switch.

" Well, if you didn't show up as an enemy, we could have had a nice talk to celebrate this reunion. " Bulat said as he places Incursio in front of his body. " But, appearing as an enemy, means I have to kill you, as my mission comes first! " Bulat added and then shouted "Incursio!!!" at the top of his lungs as he transforms into his armored form.

" You got the words right out of my mouth... This mission, I must accomplish it, or else we will have to face Esdeath-sama's wrath. " Liver said as he extends his right arm while taking off his glove. " That's why, we're going to slaughter the three of you with the Teigu given to me by Esdeath-sama! " Liver added as he shows a ring with the shape of blue eyed dragon's head the top of it.



Tatsumi and Gilga roared in tandem as they also turns into their armor shape.

Seeing two other people with a weapon that can transform into an armor, Liver's jaw dropped and widens his eyes in disbelief.

" Slaughtering us? Don't bite more than what you can chew! " Tatsumi snorted.

" And, last time in the capital's outskirt, you three can't even kill me. " Gilga said.

Hearing what Gilga said, the Three Beasts members eyes went bloodshot.

" No wonder I feel the urge to beat the crap out of that boy just now. " Nyau growled.

" You! Because of you, we got scolded by Esdeath-sama! " Daidara snarled.

" Looks like we have more the reason to kill you... " Liver said, and the water barrel beside him exploded as he controls the water, then condenses it before shooting a pressurized water towards Gilga.

' A water controlling Teigu! ' Bulat exclaimed. This place indeed is the best place for Liver to utilize his Teigu's potential to max.

Faced with the incoming danger, Gilga calmly stretches his hand, and Jïngu appeared on his palm.

And with a single slash, Gilga complete divided the pressurized water into two. What's more, the wind of his slash landed on Liver's cheek, grazing it.

" With that kind of mastery over your Teigu, you actually dare to boast in front of me... " Gilga sneered. " Bulat-san. Is it okay for me to eliminate the gray haired one? I'll leave muscle brain to you and the small one to Tatsumi. " Gilga added as he steps forward without waiting for Bulat's agreement.

Hearing what Gilga stated, veins appeared on Liver's head.

Irritated. Angered. Hatred.

Those feelings are swelling inside him, as no one has ever dares said those words in front of him. Gilga is probably the first one and the last one to say that word, as Liver's fate has been set when Gilga declared that he would fight him.

" Water Cannon! Continuous barrage! " Liver exclaimed as he shoots Gilga with barrages of pressurized water balls, which Gilga slashes easily with Jïngu.

Daidara, Nyau, Tatsumi and Bulat also engages in a combat.

" Daidara! Hold them for ten seconds! " Nyau said.

" Secret Technique! Call of Fierce God! "

Nyau starts playing his flute, and mysterious energizing melody filled the ship. Tatsumi and Bulat seem unaffected by the melody, but they can feel Daidara, Nyau and Liver's aura starts to get stronger by seconds.

" Oh no you don't!! " Bulat said as he and Tatsumi leaps towards Nyau.

Daidara throws his axe towards Bulat and Tatsumi, forcing them to dodge Daidara's axe and change target into Daidara.

And after eight seconds passed, Daidara, Nyau and Liver's body inflates as their build becomes muscular and their aura turns even more overbearing than before.

" Secret Technique! Curse of the Weakness God! "

Nyau then played another tune, but this time, it's a depressing tune that's being played.

With every second passing, Tatsumi and Bulat can feel that they're getting weaker. Gilga, however, is affected, but not as much as Bulat and Tatsumi.

" Using your secret technique right off the bat. Not a bad choice... " Gilga stated. " But, not a good choice too... " Gilga sneered as he still energetically slashes Liver's Water Cannon.

" Well then, how about this?! " Liver growled as he leaps to the canal, and then water pillar appears below his feet.

" Abyss Snake's Strike! "

The water snake opens it's jaw and slams itself into Gilga.

Gilga sneered as the water snake gets close. And, right when the snake's about to hit Gilga, he flaps his wings, creating a wind pressure that blast the water snake easily alongside Liver.

" Guh! " Liver spat as he utilizes his Teigu's ability and creates a huge nine headed snake with horns with it.

" Nine Headed Dragon Assault! "

The heads of the water dragon heads to the ship and with it's sheer force, Gilga knows that he can't let the water dragon hit the sheep, or else the innocent people on the ship will be wet-, no drowned.

" Jïngu... Double sword. " Gilga muttered and Jïngu turns into a sword, which then Gilga divided into two swords.

Gilga then flies and slashes all the dragon heads before flying towards Liver.

In a few second, Gilga appears in front of Liver, grabs his collar, and throws him back on the ship.

" Uargh! " Liver called out in pain as with that blow just now, some of his ribs hot broken, his arm fractured and he starts bleeding profusely.

On Daidara's side.

" Liver!! " Daidara called out while fending off Bulat's strike.

" You still got time to worry about others? Well, it breaks me to see that my previous comrade gets beaten like that, but like I said, mission... COMES FIRST! " Bulat roared as he swings Neuntöte, forcing Daidara to take a huge step backward.

' Ugh! What's wrong with them? Even after Nyau's music affecting them, they can still fight on par against us who have been empowered by Nyau's music? Impossible! ' Daidara gritted his teeth as he throws his axe again.

" That move again... " Bulat sighed as he dodges Daidara's axe.

Seeing Bulat's dodging his axe, Daidara sneered.

" I never aimed at you!! " Daidara said as he throws his other axe towards Gilga.

" Shit! " Bulat cursed. " Tatsumi! Watch out! " Bulat warned.

" Worry not Aniki! " Tatsumi said as he kicked Nyau on his gut, swings his weapon, hits the axe and buries it into the floor.

" You taught me to be aware of my surroundings. And, the training on Fake Mountain pays off! " Tatsumi said.

Hearing this Bulat nodded in satisfaction, and when he faces Daidara, he realizes that Daidara's not alive anymore as his head got separated from his bloodied body already.


A few seconds ago.

Daidara threw his axe towards Gilga, who's flying to Liver's direction. But, Gilga skilfully caught Daidara's axe and kicked it back to Daidara right on his neck.

End of flashback...

" To think Daidara would die by his own weapon... " Liver muttered.

Liver than slowly stands up, takes out a serum, injects it into himself, and his arms continues bulging as it becomes bigger than before.

" ... Doping huh? Not a bad call... " Gilga said. " But, the true nature of your doping is not for power up right? " Gilga sneered.

Without answering, Liver raised his hand, and dozens of water spikes rise from the sea and then slams itself towards Gilga.

Gilga like usual, slice through everything, and this time, he heads towards Liver and decapitated his arms and legs.

" Argh!! " Liver groaned in pain.

" Now, you can't use your water manipulating Teigu anymore. " Gilga sneered as he undon his armor, and picks up Liver's Teigu.

" You! You can't possibly... " Liver said in horror when he sees Gilga using his Teigu.

" Oh yes I can... And I wanted to try something. " Gilga sneered as he raised his hand.

In an instant, water formed in front of his index finger.

Seeing this, Liver looks at Gilga with shock.

" H... How... " Liver mumbles.

" The air around us has something called water vapor. So, I just collected those water vapor, forming this ball of water. " Gilga said. " And, you shouldn't die yet. " Gilga added while stabbing Liver's leg using Black's Bane to neutralize the poison in Liver's body.

Liver gritted his teeth in pain, but he can feel strength slowly escapes his body and consciousness left his body.

After that, Gilga heads to where Nyau and Tatsumi's fighting. Bulat's just spectating their fight.

Nyau is having a hard time against Tatsumi as Scream's effect is slowly fading away, causing him to get weaker while Tatsumi getting stronger.

" Give up now! " Tatsumi roared.

" Like hell I'll surrender to a lowly ass- Guh! " Nyau said but got knocked out by Gilga.

" Why are you taking so long, when you're dealing with this weakling?! " Gilga said.

Hearing this Tatsumi's face soured as he undon his armor.

" Well, don't be too hard on him... I'm sure that he'll become even greater in the future. " Bulat said while rubbing Tatsumi's back.

Tatsumi shivered. Gilga also shivered.

" Anyways, here you go. " Gilga said as he passes Scream and Belvaac to Bulat. " I'll head back first. " Gilga said.

Without waiting for their reply, Gilga lifts Nyau and Liver and leaps to the canal.

Surprised, Bulat and Tatsumi heads to the ship's side and witnessed Gilga surfing on the wave as he heads back to the city.

" ... Ah! I forget to ask him to come back to the base... " Bulat said.

" He will come back... Since Sayo and Navia is waiting for him. " Tatsumi said.

Hearing this, Bulat nodded, but then his jaw dropped.

" Wait. Do you mean... " Bulat asked.

" Yes. " Tatsumi nodded while sighing.


After a few hours, Gilga reaches Seryu's house, and as usual, enters through her window.

' Today Seryu's probably meeting Esdeath didn't she? ' Gilga thought as he enters the room, but what awaits him is a beautiful blonde maiden who's currently half naked as she's changing.

Her half dried hair, sweet scent, hourglass shaped body, plump butt cheek covered by her red underwear and perfect C-cup peaks could cause an average man to pounce towards her and 'eat' her.

Gilga however just took out his phone, snaps a picture and continue enjoying the sequence of Spear wearing her clothes.

After Spear finishes changing, Gilga brings his palms together and bowed.

" Thanks for the meal. "

Hearing Gilga's voice, Spear turns back, and blushes.

" How long have you been there? " Spear asked.

" Right when you're going to cover your tits. " Gilga said, and Spear reflexively covers her chest and yelps cutely.

Gilga however pats her head, causing her to jump back surprisedly.

" No need to worry. It's a secret between us. " Gilga said while winking, causing Spear to blush.

" Besides, I've brought a gift for you. " Gilga said as he deactivates Infiltrator, revealing two people. One is limbless and the other one is tied up.

When Spear saw these two, especially the one with gray hair who has no limbs left, her eyes went bloodshot as she pounces towards the silver haired man, but Gilga grabs her waist, stopping her.

" L... Let go!! " Spear screamed while struggling to break free.

" Calm down. " Gilga said while still holding Spear, but Spear still doesn't listen.

" No! If I don't personally kill him, I won't be satisfied! " Spear snarled, but Gilga licks her neck, shocking her, and causing her to let out low moan.

" Calmed down? " Gilga asked, and Spear bashfully nodded. " Then, wear this. " Gilga said, and then he raised Spears hand and put Black Marlin on her left ring finger.

Seeing this, Spear can't help but blushed.

" Isn't it too fast for this...? " Spear mumbles while rubbing the ring gently.

" What's too fast? " Gilga chuckled. " Anyways, let's deal with the two of them first. " Gilga said as he carried Nyau and Liver to the underground.

And then Gilga throws liver in an empty room underground with Spear after he explains how to utilize Black Marlin to her and leaves a cup of water for her before he heads to another room with Nyau.

And thus, the bloody night begins!