Battle in the Valley Part II

" ... "

Rokugoh, despite being a corpse, is surprised when he saw his hollow chest. As a result, his fierce whip attacks directed towards Leone has come to a halt for a moment.

Seizing the chance, Leone grabs the whip and pulls Rokugoh towards her before delivering a straight at his face, sending him flying.

" Good job Mine! As expected of our genous sniper! " Leone murmured proudly and excitedly.


Meanwhile, on a bush located at the side of the valley, Mine once again, has Kurome under her scope.

" Achu!! " Mine sneezed. " Huh? Is someone praising my skill just now? " She rubbed her nose before seeing through the scope again.

" !!! "

To her surprise, Natala, who is protecting Kurome, is glaring towards Mine's direction.

Instinctively, Natala points Trisula towards Mine and then it elongates and headed towards Mine.

Seeing this however, Mine just ducked and this time, she points her gun at Natala and shoot him right at his leg, which Natala dodges by jumping to the side.

" Che! He can dodge that too huh? " Mine clicked her tongue.

Then, she notices a female is running on top of Trisula, heading towards her.

The female figure has blonde hair which flows till her waist. She wears a brown cowboy hat, brown dress and black tight pants.

She is Doya, previously and assassin sent in by the Northern Tribe, who then got killed by Kurome and become one of Kurome's collection.

After she reaches a certain distance, she takes out the two guns on her waist then points them at Mine.

" So, you use guns huh? Bring it on! " Mine said as she points Pumpkins towards Doya.


And so, the battle between a gunner and a sniper has unfolded.


After sending Rokugoh flying, Leone once again jumps to Akame's direction only to have her leg caught by Rokugoh's whip again.

" Urgh! Old man! I'm not into living corpse, so piss off! " Leone roared as she grabs the whip and pulls the whip along with Rokugoh.

As Rokugoh is flying towards Leone, she clenches her fist tightly as she is going to punch Rokugoh, only for Najenda to interject by kicking Rokugoh's stomach, causing him to fly at other angle and crashes at the valley's side.

" Sorry Leone, but can you leave him to me? " Najenda said with dark expression. No one needs to guess fot that she is truly enraged.

" General Rokugoh. As an ex-colleague, let me put an end to the curse that's controlling you now. " Najenda glared at Rokugoh who has a hole on his chest.

" Uwaa... It's been a while since I see the Boss fight. " Leone said while looking at Najenda's back. " Alright! Me too! " Leone added as she faces where Akame is.

But, in that instant when Leone puts her guard down, Kurome is already heading towards her, as Kurome's hand is tightly griping Yatsufusa.


Hearing the sound, Leone turns around and notices Kurome lying on the ground with smoke rising from Yatsufusa's edge.

Not wasting this moment, Leone leaps towards Kurome only for Natala to kick her away from Kurome.

After kicking Leone away, Natala lifts Kurome and leaps to the valley's edge and gently lay Kurome on a flat stone.

" Ugh... " Kurome groaned in pain. ' Who shoot at me just now? '


A few seconds ago.

Kurome was so close on slashing Leone, however, her improved senses were screaming at her that something dangerous is approaching her fast.

She looks around and notices a ray of light aimed at her arm.

Instinctively, in that instant, Kurome uses Yatsufusa to block the ray of light and got off pretty lightly by falling to the side and failed to dish out considerable damage to one of Night Raid's member.


' It clearly couldn't be that pink haired girl since Doya is fighting her. It comes from that side if I'm correct. ' Kurome thought and looked at where the beam came from.

But, as expected, the sniper has left the spot and nowhere to be seen.

' Does Night Raid have other sharpshooter except that girl? ' Kurome thought. ' Maybe retreating is our only option now. '

" Bols-san! We're retreating! There is another sniper nearby! My corpse puppet will occupy them as we escape! " Kurome shouted.

Hearing this, Bols nodded as he slowly retreats along with Wall.

" Like hell we will let you! " Leone and Najenda roared in tandem.

" Bulat! " Najenda shouted.

" Got it Boss! " Bulat answered. " Tatsumi. I'll intercept Kurome. Can I leave both of them to you? " Bulat asked Tatsumi.

" Leave it to me Aniki. Besides, we can't let the target escape can we? " Tatsumi answered.

Apeman tried to attack Bulat, however Tatsumi, using Tyrant's Fang, slashes it's arm, cleanly cutting it.

" As expected! Then, off I go! "

Bulat jumped to where Kurome is and clashed head on with Natala.

Leone too, leaps towards Bols, only for Wall to intercept her.

Seizing the instance where Wall leaves Bols, Akame leaps in and thrusts Murasame.


A sound of metal hitting metal can be heard.

Bols with his palm, which is protected by a metal piece, blocks Murasame then points his flamethrower at Akame and shoot it.

With superhuman reflexes and fluid moves, Akame bends her knees to get to lower height, dodging the flame before leaping to attack Bols again.

She then heard the change of voice in the air. Something metal thing that is moving at high speed towards her.

Lifting Murasame to her side, she blocked an incoming hidden arrow, shot by Wall, who is occupying Leone.

" Hey. "

Leone with her beast paws, hold Wall's head tightly before she drags his head down.

" Your opponent is me! Don't go looking at other direction you damned baldy! " Leone said as she smashed Wall's face using her knee, crushing his skull.

Despite having his skull crushed, Wall used his tactical shield and used Shield Bash to push Leone away from him.

The two duet once again faces each other again.

" Before we continue, do you mind answering my question Akame? " Bols suddenly asked without putting his guard down.

Akame stays still while looking at Bols emotionlessly.

" If you were still at our side, your presence will be a reassuring thing for us. But, why do you turn to the Revolutionary Army? " Bols asked.

" ... "

At first, Akame is speechless as she remembers that time where she is standing above a mountain of corpse.

Gritting her teeth, Akame clenches her fist and positioned it in front of her heart. " It's because my heart decided that it was the  correct thing to do! I walk the path that I believe in! "

" That's an easy to understand answer. Thank you for answering my question. However... " Bols said as he points his flamethrower at Akame and Leone. " Burning you along with that belief is also duty as a soldier! " He added resolutely.


Najenda is dodging Rokugoh's whip attack with flat expression.

' Because of the damage inflicted by Esdeath's to me years ago, I can only use 40% of my strength. However... ' Najenda thought as she caught Rokugoh's whip.

" You too have sustained a considerable damage. Let me end this quickly for you! " Najenda pulled Rokugoh towards her, and when he is in front of her, Najenda clenches her metal fist and launches it to Rokugoh's face.

The metal fist's force is so great that it blasted Rokugoh's head off his shoulder.

However, even with his head gone, Rokugoh's body still moving towards Najenda although with unsteady steps.

Seeing this, the enraged Najenda become angrier again as she shot the body a death glare. " JUST HOW MUCH DOES THIS TEIGU INTENDS TO DESECRATE WITH PEOPLE!!! "

Powerfully, Najenda kicked the corpse's crotch area, sending it flying as she also leaps above following the body. Then once again, she clenches her fist and deliver a body blow sending Rokugoh's body flying towards the Death Tagool's direction.

The Death Tagool is charging a beam and releases it to Susanoo, erasing Rokugoh's body, which passed through it's beam, and Susanoo's arm, which regrows again a few seconds later.

" Hm... Looks like both of us are pretty tenacious. " Susanoo grinned while moving his regrown arm.

" As expected of a Class-Super danger beast. Even though it's rotting, it's still very powerful. As expected it's difficult. " Najenda said.

" That too is one of the reason. However... " Susanoo said as he pointed at the Death Tagool's chest area. " Pay attention to that part! "

Najenda then looks at the Death Tagool's chest while squinting her eye. " Yeah? What's wrong with that area? "

" There is a protrusion on that area... which looks asymmetrical!! It's bothering me! " Susanoo said. " That's why I got hit by the laser just now! " He added.

" You... How come you can say something so uncool after acting so cool in the previous episode? " Najenda said while shooting Susanoo with look of disbelief.

( Oi! Don't just casually break the 4th wall! )

" Jokes aside, we need to deal with it fast and chase Kurome! " Najenda said. " Susanoo! I, as your master, hereby authorize you to use your Trump Card! "

" ... I think there is no need to... Najenda. " Susanoo said with it's eyes wide open.

Najenda then looks at the Death Tagool and notices that it's bones are cracked and then it slowly collapsed to the ground before becoming a fine ash.

" What the hell just happened? " Najenda muttered. " But, Susanoo! Let's head to where Kurome is and help Bulat out! " Najenda ordered.

" Understood. " Susanoo said as he carries Najenda and leaps to where Kurome is.


" Groa! " Apeman roared as it attacks Tatsumi again.

As Tatsumi is going to block Apeman's attack, Hentarr would use that moment to launch a sneak attack at Tatsumi.

" Gosh, these two are damn annoying. " Tatsumi groaned as he licked Hentarr, who jumped back and wait for another chance to ambush Tatsumi.

However, as he waited for the opening, a bare chested man wearing only white torn trunks and a yellow tribal mask appeared before him.

Hentarr knows this guy. He is his friend. " Friend... Don't... Attack... " He muttered continuously.

The masked man then using a needle, pierces Hentarr's forehead, surprising Hentarr.

Steam then rises from the masked man before he transforms into Chelsea.

" It's like Akame said. Yatsufusa's doll, albeit being under control of it's user doesn't have will of their own and unintelligible, they still have their habits and emotions that had been ingrained into their bodies. " Chelsea muttered. " I'm sorry to say this, but I'm not one of your allies that were wiped out. " She continued while patting Hentarr's shoulder.

" Ugh... Guhh... UOOOAAHHHH!! " Hentarr cried out, but got cut in half by Tatsumi.

" Okay... With this, he probably won't be able to move again. " Chelsea said.

" Thanks Chelsea! Nice assist! " Tatsumi gives her a thumbs up. However, Chelsea looked at him and casually throws a needle towards him.

Panicked, Tatsumi dodges to the side and retorted. " What was that for?! "

" That. " Chelsea pointed at Tatsumi's back, and there, Apeman got it's eyes punctured by the needles.

" ROAAAAR!!!! "

" I'll leave him to you Tatsumi. See ya later! " Chelsea said as she leaves the scene.

" Uh... Thank you...? " Tatsumi said while facing Chelsea's back before finishing off Apeman.

*Gasp. *Gasp. *Gasp.

Chelsea gasped for breath seemingly under a stress.

' What the hell am I doing? Has I been this bold before? ' Chelsea thought.

' What will he think if I tell him about this? ' Chelsea though with her face red.

' No! No! No! I must focus on the mission first! ' Chelsea shakes her head then slaps her face with her palms as she regained composure.


" !!! "

' Rokugoh, Death Tagool, Hentarr, Apeman and even the Kaiser Frog which is hidden. I can't sense any of their movements anymore! ' Kurome thought in horror. ' It seems like I've underestimated the Night Raid badly. ' Kurome gritted her teeth in anger.

" Natala! Hurry up and defeat him! We're retreating! " Kurome ordered.

" Oh no you don't. That's why we're here! " Tatsumi said as he, Najenda and Susanoo has already arrived at where Kurome is.

" Ugh... This looks bad. " Kurome grunted as she unsheathes Yatsufusa. " Come! "