Chelsea is in trouble... Again?

" Mister you see... The village you burnt... They won't become better. " Chelsea said coldly as she reverts back to her real form.

Bols' eyes widened when he saw Chelsea.

" You burnt the villages which were suspected to be secretly supporting the Revolutionary Army without even hearing their plea. " Chelsea said disdainfully. " And, that girl is one of the victims of your blinded belief. Well, I doubt you'll remember, since you burnt people in a bunch. " She added with anger.

After saying that, Chelsea pulled her needle out, causing blood to gush out from Bols' wound like a fountain. And then she releases Bols from her embrace, letting him slowly fall to the ground.

" ... Assassination completed. " Chelsea stated.

However, not long after that, she can see Bols crawling towards the capital's direction with difficulty while muttering. " Even if... I have to... face my retribution... I must return... to them... They are... waiting for... me. "

After crawling for a few seconds, Bols' hand dropped to the ground as he stopped moving.

Carefully, Chelsea checked Bols' heartbeat, and detected none of it, confirming his death.

" ... " Chelsea looked down sadly.

" Works behind the scene are repulsive... Is what you're thinking right? " Gilga said.

Surprised, Chelsea raised her arm and attempted to elbow Gilga right at his face. But, Gilga easily caught her elbow with his hand and smiled at her.

" What do you think you're doing? You suddenly disappeared and then reappeared. Just what do you think we are doing here? Some kind of vacation? " Chelsea growled.

" Well, that's not wrong. " Gilga chuckl. " By the way, you did a great job today. " Gilga patted Chelsea's head.

Chelsea however shove his hand away and pouted. " I'm not a kid. Stop treating me like one. "

" Oh? But your face tells the otherwise though. " Gilga said teasingly while lightly pinching her reddened cheek.

" Uh!! Stop! " Chelsea said as she pushed Gilga away.

" Then, after killing him, what would you do? " Gilga asked while looking at Bols' body.

" Of course I'm going to finish off Kurome. " Chelsea stated.

" ... Chelsea. Don't you think regrouping with Najenda and the others is the most rational choice now? " Gilga asked.

" But, why waste the chance when Kurome hasn't regrouped with Esdeath yet? " Chelsea asked.

" Ang you're going to take the risk? This is unlike you Chelsea. " Gilga said.

" You don't have the right to say that! Don't you know? It's because of someone that I become like this. " Chelsea gritted her teeth in anger.

" ... " Gilga takes a deep breath and releases a huge sigh. " Okay. If you're insisting on going after her, then head there. " Gilga said as he pointed towards Kurome's escape route.

" However, that place is already beyond Lubbock's barrier, so anything might happen. After knowing this, do you still wish to go there? " Gilga asked.

" Yeah! I'll go! And, if she has already meet up with Esdeath, then I'll just retreat. " Chelsea said.

" ... Alright. And, Lubbock! Get your ass here! " Gilga shouted while looking at the woods.

From the woods, a green haired man came out.

" And to think I came here as fast as I could in order to assist Chelsea... Just to find you flirting with her!!! " Lubbock roared while crying.

" Just suck it up already will ya? It's your fault for being such a perv. No wonder Najenda doesn't want to get close to you. " Gilga sighed.

" Hey! Take back your words! " Lubbock said angrily while pointing at Gilga.

" What? What will happen if I don't take it back? I think Susanoo is even more suited to be with her than you. " Gilga grinned.

" Ugh... Then, what should I do? " Lubbock asked.

" Hm. A love counseling cost 100 gold per session. A session last for ten minutes. " Gilga grinned.

" You're ripping me off you piece of. " Lubbock said, enraged.

" I'm sorry, but I don't have time to watch you two jokers joking around, so I'm leaving. " Chelsea sighed as she transforms into Bols before running to where Kurome is, leaving Gilga and Lubbock behind.

" I'll follow her, just in case she needs help. " Lubbock said.

" No need. You just go back to Najenda and flirt with her. I'll follow her. " Gilga said.

" Well, in term of combat, I never really doubt you though. But, just in case, I'll send Akame and Tatsumi your way. " Lubbock said.

" Thanks. I hope your relation with Najenda improved. " Gilga said. " As a colleague that is. " He grinned.

" Oh shut yer trap will ya?! " Lubbock gnashing his teeth angrily before leaving.

" Be careful! Watch the road and stop daydreaming about impossible stuffs! " Gilga shouted.

" Oh! Shut up you! " Lubbock cursed as he left Gilga.


After making sure Lubbock has left, Gilga turns around and clenches his fist as sound of strings snapped can be heard.

*Gasp! *Gasp!

Bols, who is supposedly dead, rises as he holds his nape in panic. However, the hole which was supposed to be there is gone. It's as if the previous event never happened.

" How? " Bols exclaimed while looking at Gilga in shock.

" Hm... It's like this... "


Just as Chelsea is about to stab Bols' nape with her needle, by freezing the time again, Gilga wraps her needle with Tyrant Nova's string before letting Chelsea stabs him.

After getting stabbed, the string on Chelsea's needle enters Bols' body and directly went to his heart in an instant. Then, it coils around the blood vessels around his heart a bit, preventing blood being pumped for a few moments.

The string that doesn't enter his body coils around his body, preventing him from making unnecessary movements.

And, this lasts until Gilga send Lubbock away.


" And, that's how it is. " Gilga said before knocking Bols out.

Then, Gilga creates an ice golem to pick Bols' body and he leave Bols' mask behind as he and the ice golem heads towards Chelsea's direction.


*Cough *Cough

Kurome is sitting on a rock at the end of the forest weakly while repeatedly coughing.

*Cough! *Cough!

Kurome coughed up again and covers her mouth with her hand. And, after wiping her mouth, her white hand is now dyed red.

She then starts rummaging through her bag and takes out a white leather pouch filled to the brim with snacks.

After taking a deep breath, Kurome then starts stuffing the snacks into her mouth in order to relief the pain, although only for a while.

" *Cough... What a loss. To think that they broke all my puppets other than Natala and Doya... " Kurome sighed. " Ugh... So tired.... But, the snack is tasty... As usual. " She sighed again before stuffing her mouth again with snack.

*rustle *rustle

The sound of grass rustling behind her can be heard. She then turns around, raised her guard to max as she grips Yatsufusa's hilt tightly.

Slowly, the sound of rustling grew bigger before a familiar figure with white mask covering his face shows up.

" I knew it! It's Kurome! " Bols exclaimed when he saw Kurome. " Thank goodness you're fine! " He added while releasing a sigh of relief.

" Yeah, you too Bols-san. I thought that explosion had you? " Kurome asked.

" Ah! That! We, the Incineration squad members, had undergone a special training session in order to build up resistance to fire. " Bols explained.

" Oh! I see! " Kurome exclaimed as she loosen her grip on Yatsufusa.

Both of them then heads back to the Romary Main Street while chatting.


" What?! Chelsea is going after Kurome alone?! " Najenda exclaimed as she slammed the table loudly.

" Wow! Chillax Boss. Didn't you hear what Lubbock said? Gilga is already on his way to her direction. " Tatsumi said relaxed.

" ... I don't like this... " Mine muttered while looking down. " Kurome... Something is off about her. " She added.

Hearing this, the situation turned tense as the once lively situation turn dead silent.

" That time when I failed at the sniping... She actually dodges it with inhuman reaction. Any normal person would've had their head blown off or part of their face gone. But, she managed to get away from it unscathed,- no, perfectly. " Mine shuddered as she recalled that moment which sends shivers down her spine even till now. " I think, it's more than that doping we heard about. Maybe she has another secret that even Akame didn't know. "

" Hm... Considering Akame leaving the capital and her sister that time, who knows what that Saikyuu do to Kurome and the rest of the assassination squad. " Bulat nodded. " I doubt that Chelsea could escape if she manages to land a hit on Kurome... That's if she could even attack her. " He added.

Hearing this, Najenda lowered her head and mumbles. " If that's the case, then letting Chelsea eliminating Kurome is one of the best options we have right now. "

" But, just in case something happens, Akame and Tatsumi. Both of you head to Chelsea and cover her! . " Najenda ordered.

" Roger! " Akame and Tatsumi answered then they directly shoot out through the door.


" We'll reach the town soon. " Bols said to Kurome who is tottering weakly beside Bols.

" I know. But, let's not put our guard down, since we won't know when the people from Night Raid will ambush us. " Kurome panted.

However, after walking another step, Kurome slumped to the ground as she used her hand and knees to support her body while holding her head as she groaned in pain.

" K...Kurome? What's wrong? You seem to be in pain! " Bols exclaimed worriedly while still distancing himself from Kurome.

" I...It's not...a I...just eat my sweet. " Kurome said as she takes out her snack bag and start snacking weakly.

Slowly and gently, Bols places his hand on Kurome's back and pet it.

" You poor thing... Ah! I know! How about I give you a charm to help ease your pain? " Bols offered as he keeps petting Kurome's back before...


In that instant, Bols takes out a needle hidden on his wristband and pierces Kurome's nape with it.

" Rest in peace. " Chelsea whispered as she draws the needle and blood flows out from Kurome's injured nape.

" Nee...san... " Kurome groaned weakly as her body dropped to the ground.

" ... To think her last words would be 'Nee-san'. Well, both target's assassination completed. Returning to the base. " Chelsea muttered as she takes Yatsufusa and heads back to the base.

" Say..... "

From Chelsea's back, came a low eerie voice filled to the brim with mixture of both bloodlust and rage, sending shivers down Chelsea's spine as she turns back to see the source of the voice. And when she saw that, her face instantly paled from shock and fear as she instinctively jumps backward to create distance between them.

" Your charm... It didn't work... " Kurome said as she slowly rises from the ground in an inhuman matter with Yatsufusa on her hand.

Seeing Yatsufusa on Kurome's grip, Chelsea looked at her hand and realized that the Yatsufusa which she hold is really gone.

" You see... Rather than easing my pain, it made it even more unbearable than before... " Kurome said while covering the left side of her face with her free hand, and on the right side of her face, a sinister smile is plastered on it.