Onwards! To Kyoroch!

Gilga was traversing through the forest like crazy while looking at his phone to pinpoint where Chelsea was.

" Fuck! Shit! Damn it! " Gilga cursed along the way. " Why did I waste that time explaining those useless stuff to him? " He added while looking at the unconscious Bols who is being carried by an ice golem.

Then, the smell of flowers carried by the wind enters his nose.

" It's close! I'm almost there! "Gilga exclaimed, excited.

However, his excitement didn't last long, as, *Bang! *Bang! *Bang!, the sound of gun being shot continuously can be heard, causing Gilga to directly jump to the garden.

The view there caused his blood to froze as he saw Natala, with his halberd, severed Chelsea's arm.

And then, *Bang!, another gunshot can be heard as a bullet pierces it's way through Chelsea's right stomach.

And when he saw Natala choking Chelsea while riding above her as he attempted to decapitate Chelsea... That's it... Gilga snapped.

In an instant, Gilga, using his right hand, hold the end of Natala's halberd, stopping it right when it just cut Chelsea's skin.

" Gilga... "

Chelsea's weak whisper caused Gilga to calm down... Although a bit.

" You take a good rest. I'll deal with you tonight... However, this bastard... I'll deal with it now. " Gilga growled with a low dangerous tone as he glared at Natala menacingly.

To the Natala's surprise and confusion, no matter how hard her pressed Trishula, it won't budge. It's as if he is trying to push the gate that protects the capital from invaders...alone.

One need to know that as a creature controlled by Yatsufusa, he is already free from the limiter that prevents him from using his full power. However, even with his current state, he still lose in contest of strength. Just, who is this man?

Feeling how Natala keeps trying to press down Trishula, Gilga looked coldly at him. " You're dead... Don't drag others with you, you piece of shit! "

Gilga kicked Natala right on his waist, sending him flying to the edge of the garden. Then, Gilga throws Trishula at Natala, which pierced him right on his chest.

" Stay there. And don't you move again if you still want to protect Kurome. " Gilga said coldly as he picks Chelsea's severed arm.

Doya, not wasting her chance, takes out her gun and shoots Gilga. But, an ice wall suddenly formed between her and Gilga, blocking the bullet which is flying towards him.

" Demon's Extract : Ice Demon's Rage! "

With a single roar, countless ice spikes, swirling like a tornado, shot towards Doya. As a result, her limbs are shredded and her body rested on a tree.

Gilga then quickly stitch her injured neck then her arm with Tyrant Nova's thread, completely healing her.

After that, Gilga heads back to the forest and looks for Chelsea's severed fingers and stitch them back to her hand, healing it. However, there are a line on her finger, which is the scar that Gilga purposefully left in order to remind her about the event that happened to her today.


" !!! Doya... And even Natala... What happened to...them... " Kurome groaned before she lays on the ground weakly and falls into slumber.

After that, a blonde haired man, holding an auburn haired girl, arrived in front of her.

Following the blonde haired man, three ice golems also arrived each carrying things they're ordered to.

" Put both of them here. " Gilga ordered, and the Golem put down Natala who still has Trishula embedded on his chest, and Doya, who has lost her limbs.

" ... Well, I hope you get well soon. " Gilga said as he tends Kurome's wound and then injects something using a syringe that contains greenish stuff before leaving Kurome behind as he heads to Night Raid's base.


" !!! "

Noticing someone's getting closer to them, Akame's expression hardened as she takes a stance with her hand griping Murasame's hilt tightly and about to slashe the unknown figure who is getting closer to her and Tatsumi.

But, after she takes a good look at the figure, her  hardened expression softened as she looks at Gilga with her usual flat face.

" Bro! You're here? Where have you... Wait... Is that Chelsea? What happened? " Tatsumi asked.

" It's a long story. " Gilga sighed as he told both of them what happened.

" Wait... You didn't kill Kurome? Why? " Tatsumi asked.

" Well, if I did that, then Akame would be sad won't she? " Gilga said.

Hearing that her sister is alive puts a sense of relief in Akame's self, which she doesn't even realize. She then smiles warmly at Gilga and whispered. " Thank you. "

" No problem. However, I'm going to Kyoroch first to tend to Chelsea's wound. Tell Najenda about that. " Gilga said as he turns around. " See you later. " He added before he heads towards Kyoroch.

" Wait- " Tatsumi said, but too late as Gilga's figure could no longer be seen because in that instant, he has already left both Akame and Tatsumi behind.

" Uh... What should we say to boss then? " Tatsumi scratched his head.

" ... I'll explain to the boss later. Let's head back. " Akame said with a smile.


After being blown away by Bulat, Wave has been wobbling for half an hour, despite the rain, before arriving at Romary Street.

" Ugh... Please... Be safe... Kurome... Bols-san. " Wave muttered while holding his broken arm. " I'll be there... soon-?! "

An unbelievable view then caught his attention.

In front of the fountain, where he and the other members of Jaeger chose as a spot for discussion before splitting up, a blonde man who got his chest pierced by a halberd can be seen kneeling as he is giving Kurome, who has her neck bandaged, a lap pillow. And, beside him, a limbless blonde haired woman wearing cowboy outfit is lying on the ground quietly beside them.

" K... Kurome!! " Wave exclaimed as he dashed towards Kurome, ignoring the pain that's assaulting his body.

Noticing someone's presence and their movement towards them, Natala looks at the man as he gently lays Kurome's head above on the ground before he stands up and faces Wave.

" Wait! I'm not your enemy! I'm here to help Kurome! We're on the same side! " Wave exclaimed.

Sensing that this man can be trusted, Natala then along with Doya slowly gets absorbed into Yatsufusa, which is resting above Kurome.

Wave then picks Kurome up as he starts dashing around the city in order to find a place so he can tend to both of their wounds. Luckily, on the way, he found Run who is patrolling around the city.

" Wave? " Run asked as he noticed that they are in a bad shape.

" Run... " Wave said as he bit his lips. " It's all my fault... "

" That can wait later. Firstly, both of you need to heal yourselves first. Follow me. " Run said as he leads Wave and Kurome to the inn where Esdeath and Seryu are staying.

" You have my thanks! " Wave said gratefully as he follows Run.


" What?! Gilga had left for Kyoroch with Chelsea? " Najenda exclaimed while slamming the table.

" Un. " Akame nodded.

" And Chelsea is currently injured? " Najenda added.

" Un. " Akame nodded again.

" SO, WHY DON'T YOU FORCE HIM TO GET HIS ASS HERE SO WE CAN HEAL CHELSEA THEN?? " Najenda roared as she knocked Akame's head with her metal fist.

Akame just wordlessly accept Najenda's metal fist. And as a result, a portion of Akame's head bulges and she just rubs it with her hand to ease the pain.

" Boss. But, I believe in Gilga. He won't let something happen to the one he holds dear. " Akame said, causing Najenda to sigh of defeat.

" Alright. Then, all of you take a good rest. Tomorrow, we leave for Kyoroch too! " Najenda stated.

" Roger! "

After that, all of the Night Raid members dispersed and mind their own business before they sleep, except for Susanoo, as an Imperial Arms which doesn't need any kind of rest, and Lubbock, who has been assigned to watch the base.


Inside the inn, Esdeath is sitting on a chair in the middle of the room with Seryu and Run on her side. Kurome is sleeping on the bed behind Esdeath and co. Wave, on the other hand, is in front of her as he kneels down.

" ... We've completely been had huh? " Esdeath bit her lip in irritation as she scratched her head frustratedly. " Not only we lost Bols, we're also being used to deal with local bandits... " She added with a defeated sigh.

" Captain... It's my fault for being blown away. So, please be merciful as just to punish me. " Wave begged. " Kurome is- "

" Wave. This matter, isn't entirely yours and Kurome's fault. I'm also to blame here. Since I, as the captain, gave you those orders. " Esdeath said.

" Then- " Wave exclaimed happily, however that doesn't last long as Esdeath once again opens her mouth and spoke in a cold manner.

" And, since you got blown away, you had the less work, so after this, go meet up with Bols' family and tell them what happened to Bols. " Esdeath said while glancing at Wave, who furiously nods his head.

" That being said, I just received a message from the minister's express messenger. " Esdeath said, and then the situation turns silent as the Jaeger members listen to their Captain's next word.

" This time, I lost... However, next time, the same truck won't work anymore Najenda... We'll trample you and your Night Raid there. " Esdeath said coldly while releasing her killing intent.

After a few moments, Wave, who has confirmed that Esdeath has calmed down, decided to ask. " Captain. Then, how about Kurome? "

" Hupla! "

Kurome suddenly rises from the bed and does a sequence of clenching and opening her fist before nodding in satisfaction.

" Yup! Now that I've rested, I'm all healed up! " Kurome said while wearing a smiley emoticon face, which baffled the entire Jaeger members present, except for Esdeath.

" Captain. As you can see, I am well now. Please let me continue working for you. " Kurome said with smile.

" ... "

Esdeath stands up before she leaps towards Kurome and directed a kick at her chest area without any warning.

Reflexively, Kurome raised her arms and blocked Esdeath's kick and forces her to leap back as a result.

" Heh. I'll make sure you work up to fill your part. " Esdeath grinned.

" All of you, pack your stuffs. We will leave for Kyoroch in 30 minutes. " Esdeath said as she left the room.

" Roger! " All of them saluted and then proceed to pack their stuffs.


" Ungh... " Chelsea groaned in pain as she slowly opened her eyes.

' Where...am I? ' Chelsea thought, her mind muddled. ' How did I-? '

Jolt of pain then hits her as she recalled the moments before she passed out.

' Gilga! Where is he? ' Chelsea thought as she abruptly wakes up.

She then notices that she no longer wears her combat outfit, but a black colored pajamas which is very comfortable to wear.

She then access her surrounding as she notices that she's inside a dimly lit room which isn't too big, and also not too cramped. She's currently laying on a bed, located at the corner left of the room. At the corner right of the room, a buffed blonde haired man with scar on his chest is strangely tied up on a chair as he sleeps.

Beside her bed, yet another blonde man is sleeping while resting his head on her bed.

Seeing the sleeping man's face, Chelsea smiled as she caresses the man's hair.

' It's surprisingly pleasant stroking his hair. ' Chelsea smiled as she keeps petting Gilga's head.

Gilga's brows suddenly twitched causing Chelsea to panic as she directly lays down and shuts her eyes tightly.

" Silly girl. I know you're awake. " Gilga's chuckling can be heard as his warm palm comes into contact with her cheek.

" Now wake up so I can punish you! "