Chapter 2: The Goddess

- AAAAAAAAAAAAA - I cried out, quickly rising - What? Am i not dead?

Looking back, I realized that I was lying on a bed in a completely white room.

"But didn't I fall and was burned with a laser?"

"Absolutely, you're dead." - I heard a sweet little girl's voice.

- Dead? But then, why am I ... here? - not immediately realizing this, I asked a rather stupid question.

- Hm ... What do people call this place? Purgatory?! - all the same sweet voice, she asked.

Did she really ask that? But now that I understand where the voice came from, I can look at its owner. To my right, in a small armchair, while drinking tea, a girl sat, looking about 25 years old, taller than me, she had beautiful gray-blue hair and azure eyes, like an endless ocean. She was dressed in a white and blue dress, and cute brown sandals flaunted on her feet - if you describe her in one word, the Goddess of Beauty flew out.

- Almost guessed, I am the Goddess, but not Beauty, but Creation. - as if having read my thoughts, she said. "It is, I can read your mind."

Trying to process the information received, I resolutely began to speak.

- Ahem ... Madame Goddess, did I understand everything correctly? On my planet, I died, and now my soul is in Purgatory, so that you make a choice, what to do with me?

- Ho-ho, what a smart little guy I came across this time is absolutely true, but you surprised me ... Usually all people are shocked by the fact that they died and I have to sit here for weeks, if not months, waiting for when they will calm down ... - with a clear annoyance in her voice, she said. - But, you are mistaken. Not I will decide what to do with you - you decide!

- I AM?

"Yes, you surprised me greatly." Having lost everything that you had, you did not give up like most, but continued to go towards your goal and, reaching the end, saved millions, if not billions of lives!

- Millions of lives - yes...? However, I could not save the life of my dear people ...", bowing my head, I immediately remembered the day, the day when my sister, dying of cancer, said goodbye to me, her last words still sound in my heart.

- "Everything is good brother, you are great ... * KHE-KHE * You have found a way to cure people of AIDS, you could save many lives, I am glad ... * KHE * ... that I have such a kind and smart brother ... * KHE * I am very glad that I was able to teach you something, but ... * KHE * ... I am also angry with myself for leaving you alone, please forgive my worthless sister ... "- having agreed, she died, lying down in a hospital bed for seven years, and I could not do anything about it. So I was left alone, a sixteen-year-old guy was left alone in this world ...

And all because of one bastard who raped her at fourteen, he attacked my sister when she returned home from school. In a dark alley, he tied and raped her, while nearly killing her. She was found at midnight, she was beaten, and she had a knife in her leg. Doctors said that it was a miracle that she survived, and wondered how the fourteen-year-old could survive this ...

The criminal was caught in a week, but he was acquitted by the fact that he was supposedly a psycho-patient, sending him to a mental hospital for treatment ...

Two years passed, and life began to improve. Sister, having survived the shock and reconciled with everything that happened, began to go to school. Her classmates and teachers supported her, saying that life does not end there, but in one day everything collapsed. At a physical education lesson, her sister fainted, and she was immediately taken to the hospital for examinations, and the worst was confirmed there ... She was diagnosed with a cancer of the uterus, immediately after that she was prescribed chemotherapy, she was discovered not too late, and all the doctors assured her that with current technologies she will recover in two or three years, but time passed, and she was getting worse ...

As a result, at the age of twenty-three years, she died of cancer, having been in the hospital for seven years, and the criminal who killed her was cured and walked free ... But not very long, I personally dealt with him, and then with his family ...

So I was left alone ... The grandfather who looked after us died a year ago from a heart attack, he lived a long life and even survived his daughter, who disappeared without a trace thirteen years ago ...

"However, you did not give up, and I'm glad of that!" - tearing me out of the stream of my sad memories, said the goddess, who was sitting right in front of me, holding out her hands to wipe my tears, I did not even notice when she managed to sit in front of me. "You lost everything, but you, like the Phoenix from ancient Greek legends, were able to be reborn and save millions of lives."

- I did not want to save them! I WANTED TO SAVE MY SISTER! - I could not stand it, I cried out. "I don't give a damn about all these people, I just wanted to let her be near me!"

"But didn't you continue your research, and a year after her death, you created a panacea for all diseases, saving millions of lives." What moved you, if not the desire to save people from what you yourself experienced?

- ... - I could not answer, I just could not find the words.

"Okay, I'm sorry I made you remember all this ..." - having waited a short pause, apparently waiting for me to calm down, she continued. "Here and now you have to decide what you want." You have two choices:

1) Go to the usual cycle of rebirth and be born in your world in 10-15 years

2) Or you can go to another world, hitherto unknown to any Earthling!

- Another world?

- Namely, the Ancient world of "Might and Magic - Deuros" - the Goddess said with obvious admiration.

- Might and Magic? Why am I sent to such a world? I bowed my head to one side.

- What? - clearly in shock from my question, she asked her own. "You don't want to use magic ?!"

- And should? - all the same, not understanding, I asked.

"Ahem ... Well, then you can listen to my one request, and then make a choice." It doesn't matter what it will be, I won't force you, nor will I forcibly send you there. - Having said this, she looked at me, waiting for my reply.

I nodded and, sitting comfortably, began to listen to her.

- I didn't just offer you two options, to be honest, you are the first to bother with such an honor from me - the Great Goddess of Creation. You see, that world has just left the "Age of Chaos", after defeating the so-called "God of Evil", which in fact was not such, but it doesn't matter. It is important that the world, although it defeated it, is now on the verge of collapse, the loss of many technologies, has led to the deaths of countless people, even after the end of the war. And I ask you to help them, of course, for a reason. I will give you everything that can only be useful to you, a large number of skills and abilities, as well as Magic !!! - She said the last line as if she were doing me a great favor.

- Do you want me to save this world ?! I'm not sure that I am suitable for the role of a Hero ...

- Hmm, come on, tell me who should I choose if not you ?! Schoolboy? Old man? Pervert ?! Or maybe a genius who, having inherited the company of his grandfather, was able to discover three new elements, create a panacea for all diseases, and gather scientists from around the world, build a powerful reactor, thereby providing the whole content with clean and almost endless energy, stopping air pollution and global warming. You saved your world from collapse, therefore, you are best suited for this role.

- And you can't argue, haha. - laughing, I said, combing my chin

- Everything, the time has come, make your choice.

- Well, if so, then I will choose the second option. On Earth, I saw everything I wanted, and the only thing that kept me there was my wife and daughter, but now that I have died, nothing holds me anymore. Of course, I will miss them, but I do not want to return to Earth. Therefore, I choose the second option, but I have no intention of saving this world, I want to live a life full of adventure, the life of an adventurer !!

- As you wish, this is just my whim, do not want, do not help. However, I am sure that you will help this world, not so much for good intentions, but for money. - Having said this, she came to me, and, holding my hand, said the following: - In my name, I am the True Goddess - Aria, I will give you my blessing.

- As I promised, I gave everything that could come in handy. And yes, to make it easier for you, I used the system of one popular MMORPG game that you often played. I will watch you if you suddenly want to talk to me, come to any church that worships me.

After these words, my eyelids began to grow heavier, and I fell into a deep sleep. When I finally woke up, I was in someone's arms, it was a woman, most likely mine ... Mom?