Chapter 6: Baptism of Emilia

- Claire , have you dressed Esh? - My mother asked my maid.

- Yes, ma'am, he's ready. - answered Claire, who was finishing tying the shoelaces on my boots

Today is the day of the Baptism of my sister, a week ago , to be precise on 19 July mo her sister was 5 years old, and today we are eating m to the city center to visit the town church. This is the first time I will leave the territory of the estate in the city, before that we only went to the sea, which is located behind our house and walked in the garden. So I am very happy about this, because today I can visit the city!

- Madam, the crew arrived. - Opening the door of the mansion, our butler Kasian turned to my Mom. - Please hurry, while on the streets is still free, if you linger, you can very much be late. - He said in a polite tone.

- Well, thank you Kasian. Can you please inform my husband that we are leaving?

- Of course, Ms.. - Answering my Mom, he went to my Father's office.


After 10 minutes, we were all already in the carriage. My Father was dressed in a military uniform, as befits a command to the army, and my Mom was dressed in a very elegant and beautiful white and yellow dress . My sister, especially , due to which we are going to the city was dressed nice and bright greenish -blue dress with a nice white sandals on his feet , which is complemented by the beauty of her red hair. In addition, due to the fact that today it is very hot she put on a white hat, which honestly did not suit her, but she had no choice. And the last one in this carriage was me, dressed in a formal children's suit, brown trousers, a white shirt and a small dark blue jacket that didn't match my blue eyes and gray hair at all, but my mother thought it was very sweet ...

- His Majesty the Duke Edgar Rise and his family arrived, ask everyone to move away from the church! - One of the knights accompanying us announced our arrival.


- "HEROES ARRIVED! GLORY TO THE HEROES!" , "MRS HOLY THANK YOU!" - and hundreds more such remarks were shouted out by people as soon as we arrived at the church.

Having approached the church, we stopped in front of its entrance. One of the knights who accompanied us opened the door so that we could go out. The first came my Father, and after him my Mom. As soon as they appeared, people were silent in anticipation of when the children of the heroes came out. Next came my sister, and after her already I, and even then, they were silent.

- What are they waiting for interestingly? Are they really shocked that my sister is so cute? - I thought involuntarily, but the next second they corrected me.

- The son of the Duke ... - Someone from the crowd said.

- What? Why are they all looking at me? My sister is on the right guys, she has Baptism today, not mine! Stop, if you think so, then my sister has already appeared in public and more than once, but this is the first time I'm really because of this?

- The only son from the highest nobility ... - Again, someone from the crowd said.

- What does the only son from the highest nobility mean?

- Young Mr. Esh Rise, Heir to the House Rise and his sister milady Emilia Rise arrived at Baptism !

- Count?" In what sense is the Earl? I'm not even two years old, but I'm already Earl !? But if I am a graph, then why is this not shown in statistics? Is this something like a "Courtesy Title ?"


After we were introduced, the doors of the church opened, and from there came out three women in gray robes and one man dressed in all white with a golden scepter.

- Women are most likely the sisters of the church, and the man ... Archbishop?

- Your Highness Edgar Rise, please pass. - The archbishop addressed to my father.

Before entering, my parents crossed themselves and said. - Gods watching us, please empower my daughter with the power to protect our people.


Entering the church we were led into a separate room, which was located behind the prayer hall. The room was completely isolated , there was nothing but a large icon depicting the Goddesses and a small pedestal with a glass ball on it. In the room there was only the Archbishop, my parents, me and my sister.

- Lady Amelia, please go up. - the Archbishop addressed to my sister.

As soon as she approached, she took off her hat and curtsied, thereby showing respect to the Archbishop. After that, she turned to the icon and said 3 times crossing herself : - " Great Goddess of Creation, please give me the power to protect my people and my family "

- First of all, people, and then family. Apparently, for the nobility, protecting the people is a paramount task.

Having said that, she went to the pedestal with a ball on it. As the Archbishop told her, she closed her eyes, and awkwardly extended her right hand to the ball, thereby touching it. Not even a second passed before the ball began to emit very bright light, and then the light stopped and gradually, with a delay of about five seconds, other colors began to appear, at first it was bright blue, then orange, bright green and finally bright yellow. The archbishop, like my parents , looked round at Emilia, and, to be honest, I did not really understand why. I had one idea, but I did not dare to speak at such a moment .

- Emilia ... - My father came to his senses first, he said her name and went to her to hug her. - Possess three elements and divine magic.

- What? - asked Emilia. She did not know what was happening because she closed her eyes before putting her hand to the glass ball.

- Messenger of the Gods! Savior! - said the Archbishop, and turning to the icon began to pray

- Daughter, you inherited not only my magic, but also the magic of your father. - said my mother, who still held my hand.


After 10 minutes, we stood on the veranda and waved to our people, how waved, only Emilia and I. did it. At this time, the Archbishop began to speak.

- People who are gathered here will become witnesses! Lady Emilia, the messenger of the Gods, please step forward. - As soon as he said this, Emilia stepped forward, standing to his left ....


3 hours have passed since my sister's Baptism, and now we are going home. In short, my sister was called the " Messenger of the Gods " and "The Daughter of the Holy " , as soon as this happened her status immediately changed

[ Name: Emilia Rise ]

Title: [ Beloved Child] [ First Daughter of the Duke Edgar a Rise ] [ Messenger of the Gods ] [ Holy Daughter ]

I do not quite understand why the Holy Daughter was added only now, if she was already the daughter of my Mother - [ Holy Virgin ] . But all right, the main thing is that we are finally going home ... The reason we were late was terrible, we were simply not let go, people who heard about this for 2 hours shouted. - " GLORY TO HEROES! " - Something like that, and then my father decided to visit the local government and show me what it was. Although, the fact that we were late had its advantages, now the whole city of " Aquos " has been added to my skill [ Cartography ] . Aquos, as my sister and father told me, is the " Sea capital of the Kraus Empire " , also called the " Second Capital " , mainly because of the population, which in this city is equal to 50 thousand, which is terrible for this world, because in the capital itself, the population is approximately 45 thousand. Also, from the stories of the Father, I realized that this city was built in one of the most advantageous places, because this city not only connects the Western and Eastern continents, but also it is located literally in the center of the Empire, goods from all over the Empire primarily come here, and then they are already transported to other cities - this, by the way, explains the abundance of fruits in my diet.

When I got home, I took a bath and went to bed, for this day I was exhausted more than when I had a feast in honor of the fifth anniversary of my sister.


The next day, the three best city magicians arrived at the estate to start educating my sister . Initially, they had to conduct lessons only with her, but I insisted on joint training, at first they asked me to change my mind, because they did not know if their lessons would be useful to me, to someone who could have completely different elements, but I insisted on that I want to learn how to control mana and she surrendered. Although my elements are not known to them, mana control can be learned even from the cradle, for mana is in any person. And so I spent my days right up to that day.