Chapter 8: The Capital

302 year , June 7, Morning

- Mr. Esh, Madame Emilia, we are approaching the capital. - Claire turned to us.

- Ahhh ... already drive up? - Emilia asked, rubbing her eyes with her hands.

Here she is, the capital of the Kraus Empire, the city of Dares. The carriage's window offers a beautiful view of it, impregnable twelve -meter walls that protect commoners and seven-meter walls that enclose the aristocratic area . Claire told a lot about the capital, as it turned out she had been living in this city for 8 years before she got a job as a servant to us. The capital is divided into 4 districts, which are managed by their representatives.

The first district is Residential, there are houses of commoners and inexpensive hotels where you can stay for the night . The second district is Trade, the smallest of all that is in the capital. It houses a merchant guild and shops that sell food and ordinary clothes. The third district is Blacksmith, the largest after the residential district. The capital is famous for its blacksmithing area, mainly due to the fact that almost all the gnomes live in the capital, and not elsewhere. Therefore, if someone wants to buy a high-quality magic blade or armor, he simply must visit the capital. And the fourth - This is an entertainment district, here you can buy upscale clothes, rent a room in an elite hotel, taste extravagant food and, of course, find a companion for the night.

- What about the district for aristocrats? What is there besides their houses? - My sister asked, who was already invigorated and just like I was looking out the window.

- In that area is the only one on the entire capital of the church, the area could come not only aristocrats but also ordinary people. The area is called so, only because rich people can afford to buy a house there. - answered Claire

- And where in the capital is the Guild of Adventurers? - I asked I looked at Claire.

Adventurers Guild is a place where an ordinary person who is over 12 years old can register and perform various kinds of tasks for making money. Most tasks are left by ordinary people, but there are tasks from the guild itself or the royal family. There is a guild department in all cities, as well as in large villages. From what I knew and what the system told me, I can conclude that the guild is my future work. Of course, I planned to just travel the world, killing monsters and selling them to stores as materials, but since there is such a convenient place, it will be more profitable to take tasks and donate my trophies there.

Adventurers are divided into 7 ranks :

S - The strongest in the world, you can get this rank only if the people recognize you.

A - One of the strongest, this rank can only be obtained if you have studied at the Imperial Military Academy and completed several royal or personal guild orders.

B - Elite, people with this rank very often get offers to become the personal guard of an aristocrat, or to get some rare materials.

C - Rank, after which you can go to one of the guilds.

D - The most common grade, only this wound hectares you can enter the dungeon to get it, you need to perform from twenty to thirty jobs Grade D or the C .

E - Rank is assigned after successful 5 performs the task of rank F or E . Roughly speaking, they give you a rank for community service.

F - A beginner who has not yet proven himself.

A very strange explanation, somewhere the system explains what needs to be done to achieve a rank, but somewhere it simply says that you are considered strong ...

- Hmm... - Holding her hand to her face, she thought for a few seconds and answered - If I am not mistaken, then the Guild of Adventurers is located on the main square of the shopping area, about a hundred meters from the entrance to the city.

- Smart move, you don't have to take the corpses of monsters across the city.

- It is clear. - I said and looked back out the window

Outside the window, one could clearly see the gates and the people standing there. Most likely these are traders, adventurers or ordinary villagers with children who came to the city to sell their goods, pass their assignments and who came to undergo baptism. Unfortunately, the Empire does not have the opportunity to deliver magic balls to each church, because the method of their production is very expensive. Therefore, when the child is five years old, families who live in the villages must come to the nearest city to perform the Baptismal rite. Fortunately, the Empire pays all expenses for food and accommodation.

- How many people ... And so early " - my sister said, surprised that so many people are already standing at the gate and waiting for the moment when they will be let go - " And we are the last in this line ...

- Do not worry Ma'am, we miss without checking. - Claire said, noticing the sad expression of my sister.

As soon as she heard this, she sighed and said - Huh, I could not stand waiting another two or three hours, sitting in this carriage.


A few minutes later, our carriages, accompanied by an elite detachment of the first imperial army, reached the end of the line

- Everybody disperse, give passage to the Duke Edgar Rise and his family. - said the captain of the Knights , who went ahead of us.

As soon as people heard this, they immediately stepped aside, thereby opening us the way to the capital. Having approached the main gate, we were stopped by one of the soldiers who had previously checked ordinary people. He went to the captain of the knights and handed him a letter, after which he stepped aside and let us into the city.

In the city, even in such an early life was in full swing, wherever you look, you will see more number of shops and small shops standing on the street. Each merchant shouted something, thereby urging people to come up and buy his goods. After driving a couple of minutes, we reached the center of the shopping district, as Claire said, there was a large three-story building with a sign on which were depicted, a shield and two swords.

To the right of the guild was one of the weapon stores, the guild itself owned it, so there was a small discount for adventurers there, about 10-20% percent, depending on their rank. To the left of the guild was a tavern and a small hotel, where adventurers could have a bite to eat and rent good housing, but still more expensive than in a residential quarter.

We all continued to drive through the streets until we got to the gates that separate the aristocratic district from ordinary areas. There we needed to be delayed, and it was because of this delay that I saw them - they were Slaves. In a small area cells with slaves were installed, there were slaves of all races, from humans to demons. Most of all there were women, you could buy any woman you only wish, starting with a little elf and ending with an adult female girl.

- Disgusting. - I said involuntarily.

- I agree, Young Master, you have never seen slaves before, only because slavery is prohibited in the territory where your father rules.

- Only in our territory slavery is prohibited? So in the rest of the empire is it allowed? " - Sitting back, so as not to see this horror, I asked Claire.

- Yes, it is. Throughout the rest of the Empire, slavery is permitted, I understand that it may seem awful and wrong to you, but basically because of the labor of slaves, our Empire is so well developed. - Having said this, she poured water and gave it to us.


After waiting about ten minutes at the gate, they finally let us in. Claire said that most likely, the captain specified where we need to go, right to the imperial palace or first to our estate. As a result, we are now going to the palace. Gigantic compared to all other buildings, standing at the foot of the mountain. The building is made in a rather primitive medieval style, the larger and higher, the richer it is considered. It is difficult to describe it, a large, even monumental white-brown building with a large number of windows and that's all ...

- This is the palace? - My sister asked, looking at him - It's seems like a big house.

- This palace was built during the foundation of our Empire, 302 years ago. At that time, the Emperor was not very worried about his appearance.

- I see ... - said my sister and moved away from the window

- Bear with it a little more, we will arrive soon. - Saying this, Claire poured more water and gave it to Emilia.

- Thank you Claire.


Ten minutes later we stopped in front of the palace. The captain of the knights went up to our carriage and opening it helped Claire and Emilia come down, but I went down myself, because I have been almost three years old! Seeing me getting down, a visible smile appeared on his face, after which he went to the carriage where my parents were. By the time he approached, Father had already left and helped my mother come down with Roxy in her arms. Going up to him, he bowed and handed him a letter, which before that he had been given at the entrance to the city. Opening and reading it, he said something to the Captain, and he took ten people with him and ran away on horseback somewhere.

- Children, how are you feeling? - Mom asked, coming to us

- "Everything is good mom, only we are tired!" - Looking at each other, Emilia and I said with one voice

- Ha ha ha. - Our mother laughed - I understand, well, nothing, soon you will rest. We will stop in the palace, because trouble happened with our estate ... - said my mother, looking at her father, who was now distributing commands to other knights .

- Welcome Holy Madame! - A man in the shape of a butler said to us. - Mr. Esh and Madame Emilia, please follow me, I will show you your chambers.

- Children are Alfred, personal butler of the family in the capital. He will take you to your rooms, and Claire, meanwhile, will help me with Roxy. - Nodding to the butler and turning to us, our mother said

- "Good!" - We also all answered with one voice

Going inside, we were amazed at how beautifully everything is arranged here. On the floor there is a brightly red carpet with small golden patterns at its edges, dozens of giant paintings weigh on the walls, on the right the paintings depicted great moments of battles or other significant events of the Empire, and on the left were paintings depicting former Emperors with their families and Heroes who at one time they saved people from extinction. One of the paintings depicted a girl vaguely similar to my mother. Noticing that I was behind, the butler stopped and began to explain.

- The Young Master has a keen eye, this picture captures the " Seven Great Heroes " who plunged the God of Evil 11 years ago. Your mother is on the left. - When he finished explaining, he looked at us with Emilia, who at that moment had eyes expressing a storm of emotions, from delight to respect.

- Seven Great Heroes, huh? Does it mean that mom has a title in status - [ One of Seven ] , does that mean exactly that?

[ Yes Boss, your mother Julia Rise, was one of the seven great heroes who plunged the God of Evil 11 years ago. At that time, she was only 20 years old, and she was the smallest in the entire squad. ] - Aina confirmed my thoughts.

- Your Highness, please do not run away!! - Shouted one of the women who ran after the little girl.

But the girl either did not hear, or did not want to listen, everything continued to run forward, covering her eyes with her hands. A little girl, three years old with red hair and a white and pink dress, without shoes, ran away from three women in maid clothes along the corridor. She didn't even see that I stood literally ten meters in front of her and looked at the picture, so it turned out that now I am lying on the floor, and she is lying on me.

- "PRINCESS !!!" - Seeing how the girl crashed into me and fell, the maids shouted.

- Stop what? Is she a princess !? Is this little girl who was running away from her maids now the reason we came here?

- Um, are you okay? - Looking up and looking at the princess, I asked

- Ah? - Hearing my voice, she wiped her eyes from tears and looked at me - Who are you?

- I ... Esh Rise ... - I honestly answered

- Esh Liz? She asked, in a cute burry voice.

- Yes, are you okay? - With a nod, I asked again

- Y-yes, I'm fine. - Apparently having understood what position we are in now, she quickly got up and, giving me her hand, said - I 'm solly that I got into you.

Holding her hand, I slowly got up and brushed off the dust from my suit . By the time we both got up, her maids ran up , who very quickly began to examine her, if she had injured herself in the fall. As soon as they finished , one of them, who had previously asked her to stop, took her hand, and led her along to the place from where she had run away before.

- " Wait , you never introduced yourself " - I told her in the back

As if expecting these words, she turned around and curtsied said - My name is Alice Klaus, the filst plincess of Kraus Empile. See you again Esh ~. - After these words, she herself, without the help of her maid, went to where she was trying to escape.