Chapter 19: Krival

314 year, August 13, Early Morning.

Checkpoint of the city of Krival.

- Next one! - said one of the checking soldiers.

- Good morning. - Approaching him, I greeted.

- Good morning, present your documents, please. - examining me, he tensed and asked me for a certificate.

- Excuse me, but I lost them while traveling from Tsover, about thirty goblins attacked me on the way to the city of Krival. - Noticing his tense face, I took off my hood and, looking into his eyes, lied a little.

- Thirty goblins? Where did they attack you? - Having heard my story, the inspector seriously tensed up and quickly asked where it had happened.

- Don't worry, I killed most of the goblins, but the few that survived stole my bag with things and hid in the forest. - reassuring the soldier, I raised my cloak and showed the sword that was fastened on my belt.

Seeing the weapon, the inspector calmed down and, with a sigh, turned to me.

- Ahem, ahem ... It's good that you coped with the goblins, but in order to enter the city, you have to pass the test, if you did not kill people, then there is nothing to worry about. - Having said this, he asked another soldier to give him a checking stone.

Taking the stone in my hand, as they told me, I directed a little of my mana into it, and it lit up in blue. Nodding, the soldier took the stone and stepped back. And the inspector led me to the guard room. Sitting at the table, he looked at me and asked me to sit on a chair opposite the table.

Making sure that I was comfortable, he began to ask questions.

- Boy, do you have money? - He once again looked at me with his eyes and took out one of the forms.

- Yes, the money was in my pocket. - when I took a bag of money from the pocket of my pants, the inspector exhaled and continued to speak.

- Good, then if you can, then pay ten silver coins to issue new documents. - raising a special magic plate, on which data about its owner is entered, he handed it to me, for authentication.

- Okay, I'll pay. - taking the plate and checking it, I returned it to the inspector and, taking out ten silver coins, put them in front of him.

- Fine, then I will ask you a couple of questions... - taking a pen and putting a sheet of paper in front of him, he began to ask standard questions.

- Your name? He asked, and, dipping the edge of his pen into the inkwell, he expected my reply.

- Esh Ra ... Gryffindor. - almost saying my real last name, I unknowingly called my last name from the past world.

- Esh Gryffindor, how old are you, boy? Where are you from? Who are your parents? - writing down my name, he asked a few more questions and I, not finding a better solution, started to lie.

- 14 years old, originally from the city of Zover, parents died at the hands of monsters. - as soon as I finished, the smile on the face of the inspector disappeared, and he, looking at me with a touching look, began to quickly write down all the information on paper.

Ten minutes later, he finished asking questions and, going into the next room, used a magic tool to record this data on a record. When he returned, he handed it to me, and after I checked all the data on it, I left the security room and headed for the city.

Krival. The city, which is built on the border with the Demon Nation, is the fourth largest city in the entire Kraus Empire. The specialization of this city is, as you might guess, metallurgy. The smelting of ore that is mined in the Imperial mines, supplied from a nation of demons, the creation of cutlery and basic materials that require the use of various metals. Here you can also find weapons and armor, but people forge them, so here they are not of the best quality.

Going inside, I was surprised at the number of people. A whole crowd was gathered right at the gate! Someone was looking for a group to go to the dungeon, which is an hour's walk from the city, someone was selling their goods: food, potions, first-aid equipment, etc., and someone was just walking or walking by, intending to get there to another part of the city.

The city itself is not unusual. It is located on a plain and there is not a single mountain nearby that would make this city as special as the capital, the only thing that attracts people, or rather adventurers, is a dungeon located not far from it. He was nicknamed "The Gates of Hell." Ask why? Nobody knows ... Just one S-rank adventurer who got to the eightieth floor of this dungeon said that it was just hellishly difficult below. For all the hundred years that this dungeon exists, only he was able to climb so deep. The usual group A rank can reach the thirtieth maximum, while not killing the Boss, while the elite one will reach the fortieth, but that was thirty or forty years ago.

There were even cases when an entire army went into the dungeon, some fifty years ago, but even they could not break the record of this adventurer and, with heavy losses, they reached only the fifty-fifth floor, where, having met the dragon on their way, they decided step back.

When I reached the central square of the city, I looked around. There was a guild of adventurers, a small bar, a hotel, an arms store and a merchant's guild, and residential buildings were located behind them. So it is, in this city, unlike the capital, there was no official division into districts, however, people secretly called this part of the city a residential area. The reason is simple: at the other end of the city, which is called the blacksmithing district, there are all the workshops and foundries, where the ore was smelted into ingots, and only then went to the workshops in order to become a weapon, armor, wheel or something else.

"First I need to settle in a hotel." - thinking about this, he went to the largest and most crowded hotel in the city.

Having reached the right place, I went inside. Inside I was met by the pleasant smell of fried meat coming from the kitchen. Going to the counter, I saw that there was a young girl behind her, who was about twenty years old, she, seeing that a guest had appeared, closed the book she had read before and began to speak with a smile on her face.

- Good morning, would you like to rent a room in our hotel? - getting up from a chair, a brown-haired woman with brown eyes turned to me, dressed in the uniform of an administrator.

Having removed the hood, I resolutely answered.

- Yes, please, a room with a large bed and a bath.

- Just a second ... - having said this, she began to look at the notebook that lay on her desk. - Mmm ... yes we have such a number, the price for one night will be ten silver, the price includes breakfast and dinner, you will have to dine at another restaurant, or, after paying two more silver coins, you can have lunch with us.

- Well, then I rent this number for a week. - pulling out one gold, which was equal to one hundred silver coins, I presented my new documents.

After checking them, she gave me thirty silver change coins and led me to my number.

- Your room is on the third floor, room is three hundred and twelve. - Approaching the room, she opened it and, handing me the key, did not forget to add. - If you have any problems, then please contact.

Entering the room, I was pleasantly surprised, the size was perfect, it contained a large double bed, several wardrobes and a separate door that led into the bath. Having removed his clothes, he headed there. I have not washed for a week, and therefore I simply must wash off all the dirt that has accumulated during this time.

After lying in the bathroom for thirty minutes, I got dressed and, having closed my room, went down to the first floor.

- Mr. Esh, if you are hungry, you can visit our dining room. The cook just finished making breakfast. - Having seen me go down, the girl who settled me in the room turned to me.

- Thank you more, and yes, what is your name? I asked, looking her straight in the eye.

- My name is Olivia, nice to meet you. - saying her name, she showed me how to get into the dining room and I, having thanked her, went to breakfast.

Entering the dining room, I turned to a man standing with his back to the dining room and slicing bread. - I'm sorry, where can I get breakfast? - I asked as politely as possible.

- Mm? - Having finished slicing the loaf, a man turned to me, who looked more like a knight than a cook. His bald head, a scar on his face and a pumped-up body all said that he should serve in the army, and not cut bread in the hotel kitchen. "Have you come to have breakfast?" New guest? He asked, laying down his knife and taking out a plate from one of the shelves.

- Yes, I just settled in with you. Olivia said that breakfast is ready, so I came. - taking a place at the bar, I replied.

- And then it's understandable, that's why I didn't recognize you ... - the man replied, adding cheesecakes, - My name is Dean, I am the owner and, in combination, the cook of this hotel. - Putting some jam and putting a plate in front of me, he introduced himself.

- My name is Esh, nice to meet you. - moving the plate and trying the jam, I realized that it is apple.

At breakfast, Dean told me about this city, he told me what places are best to visit, where you can buy good weapons or high-quality leather armor, he also mentioned the local lord, who was the Marquis John Howard, who, of course, was present at my day birth, however pleased that he had not yet returned.

"By the time he returns, I will have to leave here." - listening to Dean's story at breakfast, I slowly thought about how to get into the dungeon. I really want to visit it, but if it still doesn't work out, I'll just go to the country of demons and start hunting for monsters of B, A and S rank that live in the mountains. I have a lot of money, for one year of chic life I have enough with my head, so it remains only to find a way to pass the time.

Having finished breakfast, I, on the recommendation of Dean, went to a blacksmith. As my newly minted friend said, his forge was at the very end of the blacksmith's district. The building was old but strong, the house was built of stone and fortified with metal, there are only a few windows and they are on the second floor, there are no signs, so this is the right house or not, I won't understand until I knock on the door and ask about it .

*Knock Knock*

Entering a small veranda, I knocked on the door and began to wait. Seconds later, footsteps were heard. As soon as they stopped, the door was opened by an old gnome, who, having briefly examined me, asked.

- What do you want, young man? - leaning on the sash of the open door, the elder asked.

- Lord Dean advised to visit your workshop, he said that you are the best blacksmith in this whole city. - I answered with a drop of flattery and, taking out my golden sword, bought in the city of Zover, pulled it out of its sheath. - I bought this sword in Zover, they told me that it is the strongest. However, he did not survive even one fight with hobgoblins. Therefore, I came to you in order to find a replacement for him. - explaining the reason for coming to the elder, I handed him the sword.

- You say hobgoblins ... - taking the weapon and examining it, the dwarf confirmed my words. - Such cracks from ordinary goblins just can't get, go inside, pick up something for you. - Having said this, he went inside his house.

- Sorry for the intrusion. - bowing, I said, and, going inside the house, closed the door behind me.

The old man went to the back of the house, where he had a workshop. Following him, I found myself in front of a rack with a hundred different swords, which, at first glance, were great, but they were all too big for my fighting style, so I immediately asked the old man about where he had one-handed swords, for the right hand.

- Why do you need such a sword? - surprised at my question, the elder asked.

- I fight with twin swords. - For my left hand I have a sword, and for my right I've broken, so I'm looking for a replacement for him. - Having said this, I pointed with my finger to the light scabbard that flaunted on the right side of my belt.

- Hmm ... I do not have such swords ... - looking at the counter, the elder answered. "I can forge a new one, but it will take some time, and the materials will need to be bought ..." - scratching his head, he added.

- Money is not a problem, the main thing is that this sword be strong and sharp. - assuring him that money is a mere trifle, I expressed my main wishes regarding the future sword.

Looking at me, he thought for a second, scratched his chin and asked a question.

- Mithril suitable?

- Yes, how much will such a sword cost?

- About fifty gold, the supply of mithril from the nation of demons has noticeably decreased, so it has risen in price. - as soon as he called the price, I took out a bag with twenty-five gold coins and, passing it to the elder, I spoke.

- That's half, the second part will be after the sword is ready. - When you're done, tell Dean about it and I will come to you right away.

Taking a bag of coins, he counted them and, confirming the amount, nodded.

- Okay, I'll finish the sword in three to four days, so wait, little one.


After that, I left his house-workshop and went for a walk around the city. Today I just wanted to take a break from a week-long trip. First, I returned to the central square and, already from it, went to the guild of merchants. Registration is allowed there from the age of twelve if you pass the tests. Therefore, I decided to immediately register there to receive discounts in stores that cooperate with the guild.

Entering the guild, I was not at all surprised: there were many merchants inside who came to solve their problems with goods, or simply sold their goods to the guild itself. Going to the reception desk, which was separated from the rest, I turned to the man standing behind her.

- Good afternoon, can I register? I asked him. But he did not seem to hear me, zealously writing something on paper.

- One second. - not even looking at me, the man said. Fifteen seconds passed before he finished writing and set the pen in the inkwell, raised his head and greeted me. - Good afternoon, I'm glad to see you in the guild of merchants, do you want to register? - not paying attention to my youthful appearance, he asked.

"Yes, that is exactly what I want to do."

- Well, registration in the guild costs one gold coin, after payment you will be admitted to the exam, which is held daily after lunch, and if your results are satisfactory, you can register, but if you fail the exam, you can retake it by paying fifty silver coins . - finished speaking, he pulled out a form from under the table and, moving it to me, gave the inkwell with a pen.

- Well, here is a gold coin. - having paid, I filled out the form and, confirming my identity, giving him my identification card, which I received at the entrance to the city, left the guild building and went to a restaurant nearby.

"About an hour is left before the exam, so I'll go have a bite and come back here" - thinking about this, I began to read what questions would be on the exam.

"Arithmetic, History, the main products of the Kraus Empire and the basics of magic tools" - everything is logical, except history ...

Having read the form with questions, I went into a good restaurant and, taking my place, began to wait for the waitress. Having made an order, I began to read a book that talked about how to solve arithmetic problems, what historical events are needed for the test, talked about the main products that the Kraus Empire imports and exports to other countries, and the last one is magic tools used to help merchants.

"Magic tools are expensive and very few, so for me it is useless. It will be easier to kill a strong monster yourself and make some kind of tool. "

Having finished reading a small book, a waitress came up to me and put fried potatoes and meat on the table. After lunch, I checked my watch, namely Aina and, having heard that there were ten minutes left before the exam, I, having paid the bill, left the restaurant and went to the guild of merchants. Going inside, I was met by a man who had previously accepted my application and escorted me to class. Two girls passed the exam with me, one of them was an adult brunette, dressed with a needle, and the second, a girl of my age, with silver hair and pointed ears. - "Elf!" - this was the first time I saw an elf in this world, not counting the slaves who were sitting deep in their cages, and the fact that I was surprised at this was normal.

Having taken our place, we waited in silence for the exam to begin. Five minutes later, the same man entered the classroom and, giving us forms, turned over the hourglass.

- When the last grain of sand falls, the test will be completed.

After his words, I began to answer questions, Arithmetic was very simple, three dozen examples of varying complexity, but for me it was easy. Having finished with it, I went on to the story. The main questions were when and by whom the Trade Federation of Efras was founded, what trade agreements the Empire Kraus concluded with the Demon Nation and the Kingdom of the Elves and several other similar issues. Then the basics of the production of the Kraus Empire, well, it's generally easy. When I was still the heir to the Ducal House, I thoroughly studied all this. The empire is the main producer of millet, rice, potatoes, onions and cabbage, also, recently, began to grow watermelon and melon, this was, of course, my innovation. Having finished with this, I set about the last part of the test, namely, magic tools. It was already more difficult. I wrote the main types of tools, namely: Water Generator, Arsonist and Crusher, the rest I did not know, so I left the fields empty.

Having passed the test, the man put on his glasses and began to quickly check it, ticking all the points. He was very pleased with me, and only when he turned over a sheet of paper on the last questions of the test, clucked his tongue and praised me.

- Well done, you know Arithmetic, History and the products of the Empire just perfectly, but magic tools are also important, take a few books and study them, it may come in handy in the future.

- Thank. I said, handing him my identification plate.

Taking it, he used some kind of magic device, standing in the classroom, and the edges of the plate became gold. After the man finished, he returned it to me and said.

- Now you are officially registered with the merchants guild. In all stores with which the guild cooperates, you have a fifteen percent discount, and you can also participate in all auctions that are held jointly with us. And also you can sell your goods to the guild itself without intermediaries. - having finished speaking, he said goodbye to me, and, leaving the class, I looked at the girls who tried to pass the test in sweat of my face, mentally wished them good luck.

Leaving the guild, I went to the hotel, for I was terribly anxious to sleep. Entering there, I greeted Olivia and met her younger sister Sarah, who was different from Olivia, only in her hair color. She was light brown. After meeting Sarah, Dean called me to dinner and, having supper, I finally went up to my room and quickly took a bath and fell asleep.

314 year, August 21, Evening.

- Captain, we are approaching, the city of Krival is on the horizon! - said one of the men, dressed in black clothes.

- Well, upon arrival in the city, we immediately split up and look for Esh Rise! - ordered the captain of the elite Imperial Intelligence.

Arriving in the city, seven scouts began to search for Esh, who, in turn, thought that they were mercenaries who had come to the city in order to kill someone. On that day, the entire elite was caught by a fourteen-year-old boy who, having learned the truth, transmitted through them a message to the Emperor.

- You don't need to look for me, I'm not going to become the heir to the ducal house yet.

The next day, the scouts went to the capital, passing his words to the Emperor.