Auction 2

 Lucifer felt as though one week had passed like a century while he rested in his courtyard, as Dea had instructed. However, his desire to see her only grew stronger with each passing day. Although it was difficult for him to do anything, he didn't want to disappoint her, so he had no other choice but to comply.

 Meanwhile, Dea had achieved to stabilize her cultivation and even managed to break through the 3rd stage of Indigo, despite the common knowledge that it becomes harder to do so as one ages. 

 Initially, she was worried, but Little White assured her that everything was alright. Her soul was adjusting, and her cultivation was slower than it should have been at the beginning, so it was gradually progressing to the right phase. Satisfied with this, Dea left her room and was greeted by Caelum.

- "Master," 

- "Is everything ready?"

- "Yes. 'Golden Palace' will auction master's pills in a week. They asked me to give you this VIP card." - Caelum took out a purple card and then continued - "Also they have reserved a VIP room for you on the third floor. I reserved hotel rooms for you."

- "No need. I have a new villa near that city remember. We will be staying there. Also, inform my sister Ivy if she wants to come to meet us at the teleportation array, and she can bring these good friends of hers if she wants."

- "Very well, master," - Caelum nodded and left immediately.

- "Solis," - Dea called, - "please inform Lucifer that we will be leaving soon after breakfast."

- "Yes, master," - Solis replied.


 He has not seen her for a week, but she looks more beautiful than the last time. Lucifer could not take his eyes off Dea as he sat in a carriage.

- "Is there something on my face?" - Dea's cold voice interrupted his daydreaming, and he realized that he was staring at her the whole time. He felt a little embarrassed, and the tips of his ears turned red.

- "No n ...nothing" - he stuttered a bit and turned his face to the side, to avoid her cold eyes.

Dea closed her eyes, too lazy to pay him any more attention.

 Soon they got to the array guilds building, and Dea got off the carriage first. As she was coming out, she saw her sister Ivy smiling, and waving her hand happily, this made her lips curl upwards a bit which surprised Lucifer. 'Even her small grin was so beautiful, but who was this smile for? ' This made him a little jealous and disappointed that it was not for him.

- "Ivy" - Dea slightly nodded at her sister as she walked towards her and noted three other people besides her.

As Dea went towards her Ivy rushed at her and wanted to hug her, but Dea avoided her.

- "Ah sorry I forgot, I was just happy to see you" - apologized Ivy she knew her sister hated others' touch even her mother never got to touch her.

- "It's fine," - Dea slightly smiled at her. This interaction got curious eyes from both Lucifer's side and the three companions Ivy brought with her.

- "Right, I will introduce them to you. These are my good friends from college. This is Aqua, the third princess of Aquarius" - Ivy pointed to the girl with blue hair. Aqua had the image of a kind older sister, but she was a little cold depending on who she was interacting with.

- "Hello," - she slightly nodded at Dea.

- "Hello," - Dea returned the greeting as well.

- "This is Leonel he is the son of a general from Leo country"

- "Hi" greeted Leonel with a bright smile and waved at her - "I have been dying to meet Ivy's little sis she talks about nonstop"

- "Nobody asked you," - said Ivy and heavily hit him on the head

- "Ahh that hurts Ivy's sis complex is on."

Everyone giggled even Dea's lips were curled upwards a bit

- "Hi, I am Ari, Prince of Aries country. Nice to meet you." - The last guy self-introduced

- "What Ari, this guy's name is Aries, but he has a serious complex about his name." - Leonel, who finally managed to get away from Ivy, sold his friend without blinking.

- "Nice to meet you, Ari," - said Dea with a slight grin

Her world made Ari happy right away

Aqua, who was more mature than others, stepped forward - "Thank you for inviting us, but Ivy did not exactly tell us where we are going, if Princess Dea does not mind telling us?"

- "Of course. You can call me Dea I did not spend much of my time in the palace not used to the address"

- "Then Dea it is, you can call me Aqua as well" nodded Aqua at the same time as she agreed.

 Dea also nodded slightly, - "There is going to be an auction in a week in the Stone City I thought Ivy might like to go with me, and I remembered she said she would introduce me to some good friends so, I figured it was a good time, also, I just got a villa as a gift from the queen we will stay there before the auction."

Three companions were slightly surprised. Who did not know Princess Dea received Bai shi villa from the queen, and she was now so casually inviting them? They knew it was because of Ivy, but they were still surprised and instantly had a better impression of this princess. But Bai Shi villa was not the only reason they were surprised the auction she was talking about could not be that auction right…

- "Sorry, which auction are we going to attend?" - Still, with doubts, Leonel asked

- "Auction of the Golden Palace, of course. Are there any other auctions at the same time?"

- "No… but are you sure we will be able to get in places that should have already been sold months ago"

- "No problem, we have a VIP room on the 3rd floor." - These words made all of them stunned, including her sister, their jaws dropping.

Finally, Ivy managed to get herself together and asked - "Sister, how did you manage to get a VIP room on the 3rd floor even Mother hardly gets it?"

- "You will know when we get there, it's too tiring to explain," - said Dea lazily. She had already talked unusually a lot and was tired. But her new companions were not satisfied they were burning with curiosity, but they knew not to ask much.

- "This is Lucifer" - Dea introduced as she remembered she was not alone.

- "Hello," - everybody greeted each other. It was not hard to guess who he was, after all, it was known that Aries country gifted Dea a beautiful demon as a gift for her birthday.

- "We should get going," - Dea said again as she went inside the Array guild. Solis was following behind her, as well as Lucifer and others reacted and went after them too.


 Bai Shi Villa definitely lived up to its name. It was very beautiful, there was a protection array around it and a few guards outside. When they saw Dea they greeted them respectfully, already knowing that she was the new owner.

Inside were only a few workers who cleaned and no one else.

 Bai Shi Villa had three spirit hot springs. One was specifically connected to the main courtyard, and that was the only entrance; the other two were kind of more common. Dea occupied the main courtyard with a private hot spring, and others divided other rooms. Of course, no one had any complaints, after all, she was the owner.

Two common hot springs were divided with a large wall, but one could talk to the other person on another side.

- "Ivy, is Dea not going to join us?" - Asked Aqua while enjoying her bath

- "Sister has had a problem with touching people or touching others' things since childhood, and it has been getting worse since then."

- "So that's why you apologized earlier. She does not look like the type."

- "Don't get it wrong, it's not for some stupid reason this pampered, weak ladies and lords use, I don't know the specific reason, mother told me not to ask much, but it should be because of something she experienced outside before she was brought to the castle"

- "Hmm. It must have been pretty awful if she had such a psychological shadow."

- "That's not all, the doctor said she blocked her memory as a way for the mind to save itself, but the blow must have been so big that it left behind some habits like this obsession with cleanliness. Mother banned me from asking or even mentioning anything. She said she only knew a small part of what happened to her, but it was enough to leave nightmares, so maybe it was better she did not remember anything."

 Ivy's words surprised not only Aqua but also Leonel, and Ari on the other side of the wall, as well as Lucifer, who was hiding nearby. His eyes were filled with killing intent; he wanted to kill and destroy anything and anyone that brought harm to Dea, he was no longer questioning his feelings he knew he cared about that colder-than-ice human girl, so he planned to chase her no matter the cost.

- 'I will do anything. She must accept me.' Were his thoughts.

That night went silently for a few individuals.

 The truth was as Dea got stronger, more of her memories came back, so she understood if she wanted answers, she must get stronger. She had major black spots in the memory of her past life and did not remember anything before she was brought to the palace in this life. On the other hand, with the help of little white, she knew that she actually did not transmigrate here when she was 8, but when she was in the womb. For some reason, when she was 3, her soul separated from her body and followed it from the outside. That's why she remembered her memories till 5 years ago like a film, and that's why her body was unable to cultivate. It was like a body living with instincts it had from the time it had a soul.

 Well, she still had a long way to go, and she needed to get strong as soon as possible. Even though she was in a rush, it did not mean she would build a sloppy foundation. She knew she could not be impatient, and even though she was lazy about everything, she still worked hard on her cultivation.