Auction 4

Everyone could feel Dea's impatience as she waited.

 A few minutes later, servants walked in with a few guards and brought everything she and her companions purchased, including him. The moment that person saw Dea, he ran towards her and leaped into her arms. Everyone was terrified. Was that beautiful youth going to die? Well, everyone except Lucifer. He could already see Dea killing that man, But what he expected did not happen.

 Instead, Dea hugged that beast kin and even patted his head while talking with extreme tenderness.

- "Shiloh. What is it? Did someone bully you? How come you were auctioned here?" - Her words surprised everyone, after all, they all thought that man was going to die.

- "Sis, you know him?" - Asked Ivy with uncertainty. She was most surprised, after all, she knew best how much her sister was obsessed with cleanliness and how cold she was.

- "Hmm," - answered Dea while continuing to comfort the men in her arms.

 Then she saw that he was wearing a collar and looked at the attendants that brought him just now.

- "Take off the collar and annul it." - She said coldly, and the attendant did not dare not follow instructions.

At that time, Nicola came in, - "Crown princess, may I have your VIP card, I will transfer all the money you have earned today. We already deducted the money for everything you have purchased" - After hearing Nicola's words, Solis took out the purple card and handed it to him.

 Nicola transferred money to it and said to Dea - "Please visit again, you may take your purchased items now." - After that, he bowed down respectfully and left the room.

 Dea looked at the items on the table. She then put everything that was hers in her space, only leaving things that belonged to Ivy, Aqua, Lionel, and Ari.

- "Solis, Caelum"

- "Here," - both said at the same time. Caelum's appearance startled her companions a bit, but they did not ask anything.

- "Escort everyone back to the villa, I will be going first" - As she said this, she did not wait for anyone to react and disappeared with Shiloh.

Lucifer could not help but feel sad and disappointed, he wanted to be in the place of that man. 'Why can't it be him?'(well, she kind of just met you. Duh!)

He could not help but ask, - "Miss Solis, who was that man? How does the princess know him?"

 Solis looked around and saw everyone with curious looks, but the truth was she was the same, - "I don't know. I have followed the master for more than two years, and I have never seen her touch anyone, and I have never seen him, but..."

- "But?" - Everyone asked at the same time.

- "But I have heard his name from the master, when she drank too much, she once said 'I miss Shiloh' When I asked who Shiloh was, she said that it was a pet cat she was raising in the past"

 Hearing Solis's words, everyone's faces darkened a bit 'So that was her pet?' is what they thought after all, Shiloh was a beast-kin whose ears do resemble cats.

Meanwhile, Dea brought Shiloh into the villa and let him sit on her bed, but he did not want to let her go. Dea was a little troubled, but she did not get annoyed.

- "I am not going anywhere, I just want to talk to you. How come you were caught by someone? How come you are injured again? The last time I saw you we were going to the premier of the film they took about my book. Do you know how I died?"

 Her last words surprised Shiloh, and he buried his head even more into her arms, not saying anything. Seeing this, Dea knew something was wrong, but she decided not to ask.

- "It's fine if you don't want to say anything, just tell me when you are ready okay?" - Said Dea with a tender voice, after which Shiloh nodded.

 'Yes, she won't ask anything unless I want to say something myself and will choose to believe me.' thought Shiloh.

- "Rest now. You can sleep here. If you want anything to tell me, I will have someone get it. You just need to take care of yourself and get better."

 Shiloh nodded, he knew Dea had a cleanliness obsession even though it got better, but he knew she still felt uncomfortable.

 When Dea first met Shiloh, he was in the form of a small cat. She found him in the street, he was covered in injuries. She did not know why, but she brought him home and took care of him. About one year later, she found out he was not a normal cat when she accidentally saw him transform. As time went by, he got better and stronger. One time when she came back home, he sat there waiting for her, and he had his cat ears out even though he was in his human form, and she said - "They suit you" - She thought he was cute. In reality, Shiloh noticed that she liked to touch his ears, and she was a little depressed when he turned human, so he decided to leave his ears out.

Remembering the past, Shiloh finally falls asleep.

 Seeing this, Dea went to soak in the hot springs. When she came here, she transferred a large part of the hot spring into her space. Even though this water was spiritual, it was not enough to help Dea too much, after all, her space had a dense spiritual aura. So transferring water into her space would make it much more useful. She stayed in the pool for quite a while, only reacting when she heard footsteps.

- "Is everyone back?"

- "Yes, master." It was Solis. 

- "Go out and buy a few best quality clothes for Shiloh. White"

- "Yes, master."

- "Also, prepare a room for him, one in the capital as well."

- "Yes, I will make all the preparations."

 When she finished her words, Dea got out of the pool and got dressed while Solis went out to take care of things her master entrusted her with.

When Dea went outside, Caelum was waiting there.

- "Master, there is news from the capital"

- "What happened?"

- "Someone tried to kill the queen, she survived but was greatly injured and asked for master and princess Ivy to come back."

- "They sure move fast, get everything ready, we will leave tomorrow. I will tell Ivy and others. Just let someone inform everyone to come for dinner."

- "Yes, master."

After that, Caelum also left to make arrangements for their trip. Dea looked at Shiloh, who was still asleep and went towards him.

- "Shiloh, wake up." - Hearing her voice, Shiloh slowly opened his eyes and looked at her.

- "What happened?"

- "Let's go eat something."

- "Hmm."

When they walked into the dining hall, everyone was already there, including Lucifer.

- "Let's eat first. Then I have something to tell everyone."

Everyone was curious but did not ask anything and quietly sat down to eat.

When everyone was done eating, Dea led them to the sitting area and told the servant to bring tea. As she sat down, she could feel her companion's curious eyes, and she looked at Ivy.

- "Mother called us back, we will be leaving the villa tomorrow morning after breakfast."

- "Did something happen? Why is Mother calling us back?"

- "There was an attempt on her life, she is gravely injured, but she will be fine, you don't have to worry. We just need to go back so some people know their place." - She decided not to hide anything. She was good at reading people and knew that her new companions were not going to leak anything.

- "Is she okay?" - Asked Ivy worriedly.

- "She is fine but needs some rest, so we need to go back. You guys can stay here as long as you want, I will leave some people to help you with stuff."

- "You don't need to do that, we have already benefited a lot from you." - Said Aqua, and others nodded as well.

- "It's fine, just stay here. Ivy and I will come back soon after we take care of everything. Moreover, Lucifer and Shiloh are also going to stay here." - Hearing her words, both Shiloh and Lucifer looked at her like they had been wronged. Understanding their thoughts, Dea had no choice but to explain.

- "You are both injured, this place is good for you, and even if you come, there is nothing you can help with. I will be busy. Don't worry, I will finish everything quickly and come back soon." - Said Dea while looking at them.

 Even though they were reluctant, they knew that Dea was right, even if they left, they could not help with anything. With how weak they were right now, it was possible to become a burden for her. So, they nodded their heads, but in their heart, the fire was burning, they needed to get stronger and fast, then they could protect her and not be a burden anymore.

Aqua and others also decided to stay.

 After that, everyone went to their rooms. Lucifer reluctantly looked at Dea and Shiloh and left as well. He knew he had to be patient, his priority was to get his power back.

 After everyone was gone, Dea looked at Shiloh and said - "I had people ready the courtyard for you, as well as some clothes. I will leave Caelum here after I leave, if you need anything, just ask him."

- "Hmm."

 After Dea was finally alone in her room, she went into her space. She brought a few things today, and she needed to do some things before leaving.

First, she took out the bracelet that she brought for Lucifer and called for little white. - "You said it needs some altering, so what should I do?"

Little White started talking as he was instructed.

- "Master, since it's not from this world, it can't be used just like that. Moreover, it's a little damaged, and it can also be improved."

 After that, little White taught her how to alter the bracelet so Lucifer could use it, as well as how to improve it. After she was done, the bracelet could store 10 times more energy, and it drew energy 5 times faster. 

 After she finished altering the bracelet, she took out the demon soul essence and started making pills. One pill needed one drop of soul essence. These pills were for Lucifer as well. Drinking essence would bring lots of benefits to injured demons, but if you knew how to make the right pill, the benefit improved 20 times. She made a total of 20 pills since taking too many pills was not good. It would be better to give some head push and heal the injury but to return all of his powers, the best way was to use the bracelet to cultivate.

 After she dealt with Lucifer's matters, she took out other ingredients and made a few things for Shiloh's injuries as well. Shiloh himself was a pharmacist, so he could make everything else he needed after his condition improved a bit.

 After she made everything, she went to Shiloh's room and knocked on it. In a few seconds, the door opened.

- "I came to give you a few things. While I am not here to focus on healing. These things will help you." - As she said this, she took out a pill bottle from her space and gave it to Shiloh. - "Use it only once a day."

- "Hmm."

 Answered Shiloh and took the pills. He wanted to get his powers back soon so he would not decline.

- "I will go now, you rest." - Said Dea and left before Shiloh could say anything. Seeing that she was gone, he reluctantly closed the door.

After she gave pills to Shiloh, she went to Lucifer's courtyard. When she went inside, Lan and Mo greeted her.

- "Greetings, Your Majesty."

- "It is fine" - Dea waved her hand to stop them with formalities.

- "Princess." - Lucifer also heard that Dea came, and he greeted her happily.

- "You can leave," - Dea told the attendants in the room, and everyone left quickly. Then she sat down in front of Lucifer and asked, - "How is your injury?"

- "It's better." - Answered Lucifer.

Dea did not like to beat around the bush, so she went straight to business - "I will be leaving tomorrow and won't be here for some time, so I brought you a few things to help with your injuries."

After saying that, she first took out a pill bottle and gave it to him "These are pills made from demon's spirit essence, you should take one a day, it will help with injury and give you a push for cultivation." 

 Seeing the bottle, Lucifer was very happy. He was happy that Dea thought about him and made this for him, he was also happy that he had something that would help with his cultivation.

 After that, she also took out the bracelet and gave it to Lucifer. - "I told you at the auction that this could greatly help with your cultivation as well as healing. It can store demonic spirit energy while you are wearing it and then let you absorb it while you cultivate quickly and without side effects." - Hearing her words, Lucifer was a bit surprised and took the bracelet and wore it on his hand. He could feel the bracelet drawing demonic spirit energy, and he was delighted. This really was a good thing, moreover, it was her gift.

- "I will leave now, you rest."

- "If the princess would want to have some tea with me, you could stay for a bit."

- "It's fine. Rest." - That is all that she said before disappearing. Lucifer was a bit disappointed, but when he looked at the bracelet that she gifted, he was happy again.