The Imperium academy for gifted 1

As winter was approaching, Imperium Academy was once again receiving new students. Dea was also going to attend the academy, just like Eliza and Ivy. As the crown princess, she did not need to take part in the exam and already had a class quota. All she needed to do was go to the academy a week before the exam and go through the registration.

  After the war ended, Ivy came back to the capital. Citizens greeted her with enthusiasm, and the queen ordered a banquet in celebration.

Peace came once again in Libra country. If only they knew it was just the calm before the storm.


In the crown princess palace,

  A beautiful man with long black hair sat in the lotus position and was cultivating, while a fine amount of cold sweat was coming from his back and forehead. Finally, after about 10 minutes of struggle, he opened his eyes.

"Finally, I recovered a bit." He only managed to recover 5% of his strength, but it was enough to defeat a late-stage purple practitioner.

After feeling his newly recovered strength, Lucifer took out some wine and started drinking as he sat and looked at the sky.

About an hour later, the figure appeared near him,


"You are here. That was quick."

"I came as soon as I felt your presence."


"Everyone has been worried you disappeared suddenly."

"How are things back there."

"Four generals and I have been trying to look for you, but as time went rumors started. The demons are panicking. You need to come back." Said the man, as he bowed to Lucifer.

"Hmm. That was quick. I was not even gone for that long, and this place is quite fun. They sure are fast."

"Yes, recently rumors started that you were killed by the enemy, and the demons are pressuring to either meet you or to choose the new demon lord."

"Let me guess, they already have a candidate for my replacement."

"Jonathan, previous king's brother."

"So, that bag of old bones is still alive after all." Said Lucifer.

"Yes, and he is more powerful. They even gave us an ultimatum, if you don't appear in the next coliseum wars, the new king will be enthroned."

"How daring of them. Seems like I have been too kind lately."

"So, my lord, are you going back? Do you want me to clean things up here for you?" Asked the man.


"Yes, my lord?"

"You should not ask the questions you should not ask." At that moment, Zess felt intense power weighing down on him. 

"Yes, my lord."

"We will go back tomorrow."

"As you wish." 


The next day,

  In the morning, after getting up, Lucifer left his courtyard to see Dea.

Solis was standing in front of her room and as she saw him coming, greeted him.

"Morning, Are you here to see the master?" She said with a smile.

"Yes. Can you inform her that I have something important to speak about?"

Solis nodded as she knocked on the door and went inside.

In the room, Dea sat on the sofa with a lazy demeanor and was drinking tea. Her eyes were still a bit hazy, as she still has not woken up fully.



"That man is outside saying he has something important to talk about."

"Ok. I know." She said and continued to drink her tea, unbothered.

  It was not that she wanted to make Lucifer wait. It's just that she really did not listen to what Solis just said. She was just making mechanical answers. For ever-so-lazy-her, this was just too early in the morning. Moreover, her gut feeling seems to be bugging her. She also thought that matters with that organization were dealt with too easily and that it was just the calm before the real storm starts.

Well, she was not wrong about that.

Anyway, she was not too worried. After all, things were just getting to become more interesting and fun.

'Please my darlings, don't disappoint me. You better try your best to make it fun for me, otherwise, I might really get angry you know? Ahh...You really don't want to make me angry.' Thought Dea as her lips curved upwards. 

  As Solis saw this, for some reason, she had shivers down her very core.

'Ah. Master is really scary when she smiles. It's even more scary than her cold face. It's never a good sign when she smiles. Someone is about to have a really shitty time.' Thought Solis as she lit candles for her master's next victim.

  And so, they sat master and servant, one scheming and the other praying for her master victim, while none of them remembered the poor guy waiting outside. 

  After practicing her evil ideas for her victims with an evil grin on her face, Dea finally remembered that she was not alone in the room.

"Ah, Solis, you are here. Mm? Why are you here?"

  Even though Solis has been with Dea for over 2 years and has been in this situation multiple times, she still could not help but be speechless as she looked at her master.

'Master, I've been here for over 30 minutes. Is it really okay to remember me just now? Moreover, that poor guy must be freezing outside.' Thought Solis with a sigh.

"Master, that guy you accepted as a concubine is here saying he has something important to talk to you about."

"Hmm? That guy is still here?" Solis was speechless once again. (poor Lucifer's heart just broke. She does not even remember him. >.

'were you not the one who threatened him not to leave.' Even though this was what she thought, she still said calmly.

"Yes, master, and he is here to talk to you about something."

"Hmm. Okay, let him come in."

  After finally getting a response from her master Solis let Lucifer come inside.

"So, what do you want to talk about? I see you've recovered a bit of your strength."

"Yes. I wanted to let you know that I need to leave. I don't know exactly for how long, but I will come back." Answered Lucifer seriously.

"Ahh. Ok, have a safe trip." Answered Dea cheerfully as she waved her hand.

At that moment, Solis almost passed out. 'Master, that's not it. That's not it."

Lucifer was a bit shocked also and a bit disappointed as well.

'Ah right. That's not it.' Thought Dea.

At that moment, her aura changed and pressured both Lucifer and Solis.

"Be sure to come back soon." 'Ahh, good job me. Nice recover.' Thought Dea proudly, but at this, Solis was even more speechless.

'Somehow, master is becoming scarier as the time goes by.'