The Hell Training 3

"Of course, he is strong. Anyway, he is not weaker than you. As for Ivy's team, wasn't that outcome obvious?" Answered Dea.

"How so?" Solis was puzzled.

This time, Dea didn't answer and just smiled, so Amare kindly explained.

"Take Ari for instance, he is good at gathering information because of his power, and he is good at fighting, but he does not know how to use this information.

Ivy and Leonel… well one is more of a muscle head than the other.

It's not to say they are stupid or can't think they are just not used to it. Usually, Aqua does all of that so, without her brain, they are lacking in teamwork a bit and are now feeling a bit disoriented."

"Ahh. So, that's why. Master, you really are a genius."

"That's not all." Said Lapis.

"Hmm. Is there something else?"

"Ivy's team is not the only one that's disoriented right now." His words brought a smile to Dea's face while bringing 6 pairs of eyes on Lapis.