First Battle 1

Unknown time in the future…

Pov: Dea

 "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein. 

 I should have already known how this would go. No, in fact, I knew, but still chose to follow my plan. I knew it was nothing short of insanity, but I must admit, to at least myself, I was filled with grief and rage. I have no one but myself to blame.

 I knew the moment it was confirmed that he was truly alive that I had underestimated my enemy. I knew That Anthony was about to complicate everything. It didn't help that Amare's revelations brought a new set of confusing memories. Nothing was ever clear in them and they flashed in my mind too fast and too blurred, but I still managed to catch a few snippets. Three images were most daunting and brought a flurry of unexplainable emotions.