Massacre of Misty Glen 3

As Dea and her companions emerged from the chamber of the Guardian of the Orb, the weight of the visions they had witnessed lingered heavy on their minds. The air felt charged with anticipation, as if the very forest itself awaited their next move with bated breath.

They stepped out into the clearing once more, the morning sun casting long shadows across the moss-covered ground. Shafts of light filtered through the dense canopy overhead, dappling the forest floor with patches of golden warmth.

Yet despite the tranquility of their surroundings, a sense of urgency gnawed at Dea's insides. The visions had shown them the stakes of their quest, the fate of their world hanging in the balance. They could not afford to waste any time.

"We must press on," Dea declared, her voice ringing with determination. "The Guardian spoke of a darkness that threatens to consume everything. We cannot allow it to prevail."