Battle on three fronts 4

As Dea and her companions stood before the enigmatic figure in the clearing, a sense of anticipation hung heavy in the air. The figure's words had ignited a spark of determination within them, driving them forward in their quest for answers.

With a deep breath, Dea stepped forward, her eyes meeting those of the towering figure before her. "We seek the truth," she declared, her voice steady despite the uncertainty that gnawed at her insides. "We will face whatever trials you set before us in order to uncover it."

The figure regarded them for a moment, its gaze inscrutable behind the veil of shadow that shrouded its features. Then, with a solemn nod, it spoke once more. "Very well," it said, its voice echoing through the clearing. "But be warned – the trials you face will test not only your strength and skill, but also your resolve and your integrity. Are you prepared to face them?"