Alexander Coates

In the crowd at Villa Park Stadium, Alexander Coates was watching coach David O'Leary talking to Aston Villa players.

Alexander Coates, this year he is only 25 years old. Many of Aston Villa's players are older than him. At 16, he went to study in the United States. From a young age he was considered a genius, with an IQ of 180. He was a scholarship at age 16 from Stanford University to study at his university. Four years later, they returned to England returning to their hometown of Birmingham. His family was surprised because the young man really made a great fortune with his pocket money in two years, almost 600 million pounds in cash!


How the money came, Alexander's father, Peter Coates, investigated, and the only thing he could confirm is that the money is innocent, and Alexander won it on the New York Stock Exchange. In just four years 600 million pounds.

The Coates family was not lacking money, it was a high-class family in Birmingham, with assets of up to 70 million pounds, but the youngest of their children had surpassed the family's fortune in just 4 years.

The Coates family had started a new business called Bet365 a sports betting company, created by Alexander's older sister, Denise Coates.

Denise Coates, when he saw his brother back at home he hugged him. Denise was older than Alexander for 12 years and was very fond of her little brother.

Deirdre Coates, Alexander's mother cried while hugging her son who had not been able to see 4 years ago.

The Coates family wondered why this promising young man suddenly abandoned his career in New York and chose to return to his hometown?

After three years of professional football coach training courses, Alexander got a UEFA PRO Soccer license, in order to train soccer teams. Then, Alexander joined Aston Villa FC and became coach of the youth team.

Alexander Coates, had been running through life for only one reason. He was a reincarnated person.

Before being born again. He was a 49-year-old English man who had lived in the United States since he was 10 years old, without a wife or children. He was a man who had two money and soccer matches, he was an important executive in The Vanguard Group, the world's largest investment fund manager, about football, although he was a football fan, he didn't have a favorite team, which I loved football was its essence, the fans enjoyed, laughed or cried was the purest emotion of football. In the championship final between Liverpool vs Tottenham of 2019. Alexander was very excited for the occasion, because he could finally go to the Champions League final after several years without being able to attend. But for things of destiny the car in which he was heading to the stadium turned and died.

But fate gave him another chance, he was reborn in the 80s as a baby, in a loving family full of passion for football.

The coates family were loyal fans of Aston Villa FC, even Peter Coates was the club's second highest shareholder with 14 percent of total ownership. When he was reborn in a fanatical atmosphere by Aston Villa he also became an instant fan and had decided to become a football coach when he grew up, he had given up being a soccer player because he didn't have enough talent to play, but he knew that if Tania enough intelligence and future knowledge to train.

Inside the office of the president of Aston Villa "Doug Ellis".

"Alexander, you've done a great job in the Under 18 of Aston Villa. Coach David O'Leary has praised you in front of me."Doug Ellis.

Alexander just smiled slightly and didn't answer.

Doug Ellis did not worry about this. He stood up and walked through the office. "The reason you could enter to train at such a young age was thanks to your father who is one of the biggest shareholders of the club. When your father asked me to let you into the club as a practitioner, we thought it was just fun for a young, but in recent years, your performance has been so good that, thanks to you, the club has been able to get good talent in the lower categories of the club. You have conquered all the youth team coaches and even David O'Leary He asked you to become his assistant coach. "

"Thank you for Mr. Doug Ellis's compliment." Alexander replied politely, looked at Doug Ellis and said: "Simply, this is the profession I am willing to do, and naturally I will do better."

"It's very nice that you like your profession." Doug Ellis nodded and then introduced the words: "Alexander, I'll call you today, to ask you something."

"What?" Alexander asked, although he basically knew what was going on.

"Because you refused David O'Leary's invitation to be his assistant coach." Doug Ellis looked at Alexander and said slowly.

When Doug Ellis, he learned of Alexander's rejection of David O'Leary's offer. I quickly look for Alexander to reconsider Alexander was a genius and I was sure that Alexander could transform Aston Villa.

What Doug Ellis did not know was that Alexander had rejected the offer because he had other plans in mind.

This is, without a doubt, a very tempting offer, for an assistant coach of Alexander's age to be able to become an assistant coach in the first division of the English league, it was an achievement.

However, Alexander gave a negative response to Doug Ellis: "I'm sorry, sir, I think I still need to accumulate experience. Also, for now I am comfortable forming players in the lower categories."

Faced with Alexander's refusal, Doug Ellis could only sigh.

Alexander smiled and left the office.

Alexander had a very big plan in mind.

Aston Villa owns 80 percent of the shares, 14 percent are in control of the Family and the rest of the shares are dispersed in different. Alexander wants to turn Aston Villa into a football power, but currently the club is under many limitations. What Alexander wanted to do was buy the club and he knew that in 2006 Aston Villa would sell the club property to Randy Lerner, owner of the Cleveland Browns NFL franchise. This sale in his previous life caused the collapse of the club. But Alexander will not allow that sale to happen. Because it will make the Coates family buy the Aston Villa.

"There are 600 million pounds of initial funds. Enough to buy 10 equipment such as Aston Villa."

But it was not the right time because Aston Villa was not yet in crisis. But this 2005-2006 season. It will be the decline of Aston Villa.