
"This ball is beautiful, Arjen Robben got the ball! Excellent, good! Aaron Hughes tries to score it but Robben overcomes it, reaches the corner of the right wing, center the ball! That great center, Hernán Crespo is in the area, against two central defenders of Aston Villa and jumps, Hernan Crespo surpasses the players and heads the ball slid towards the goalkeeper's door and is golllll, gollll, of Chelsea, Chesea exceeds to Aston Villa just 13 minutes from the start of the game. "

"Aston Villa goalkeeper Thomas Sørensen had been the best of the game so far saving 2 balls on goal. Without him, this game has long been a one-sided killing. Now the score is 1-0 in favor of Chelsea." Aston Villa must strive if he wants to win this game. "

"Mowbray, that you think one of the biggest clubs in the history of the English league is playing the low, Aston Villa is 8 points away from the start of the descent, being honest if this team continues on this path there are no options to continue in the premier league. "

"Wilson, what you said is true, the Aston Villa season has been David O'Leary's worst season as a coach, sources related to Aston Villa say, if the team loses this match, David O'Leary will be dismissed as coach ! "

Sky TV is broadcasting this Aston Villa game against Chelsea. The commentators are Mowbray and Wilson.

Now that the time has reached 86 minutes, the Aston Villa players were walking through the field, they seemed tired without encouragement to continue the game. Even David O'Leary no longer ordered the players.

At this time, Chelsea received a corner kick on the left side of the band. All Chelsea players were in the Aston Villa area to receive the cornel ball.

Frank Lampard to the band to launch the serve. This season the Chelsea was undisputed pointer of the league with 60 points, Frank Lampard stepped back slowly, then hit forward and kicked the ball in the restricted area.

The ball kicked by Frank Lampard went to the center of the area, and the penalty area was chaotic.

At this time, everyone in the penalty area struggled to grab the header. At this moment, John Terry, who was 188 cm tall, suddenly appeared in front, jumped high and headed for the ball.

Aston Villa goalkeeper Thomas Sørensen jumped and wanted to block the ball. But John Terry appeared in front of the ball and hit him with his head and the ball crashed into the goal!

"The ball went in! Chelsea scored a goal in his 87th minute for his John Terry, now Chelsea leads the match 5: 1!"

"The ball is beautiful! John Terry showed that he is a great header, he has already scored 6 goals this season and everyone is leading, he is a world class defender"

At this time, the Aston Villa stadium was shouting at the coach, they could no longer stand David O'Leary heading to Aston Villa, they were giving them a real bath in the field.

"David O'Leary, get out of the club, you will take us to the descent if you continue to direct us."

"Destitucion, Destitucion, Destitucion".

The screams were heard against David O'Leary in Villa park, Aston Villa stadium, more than 30 thousand spectators had arrived.

With the three whistles of the referee, the game is over. Chelsea beat Aston Villa. Now they had added 63 points.

After the game, the Aston Villa players, along with the technical command quickly returned to the locker room, without saying goodbye to anyone.

Mansion Coates.

Alexander was watching the game from home, with his father Peter, Peter Coates phone started ringing.

"Hello Doug Ellis, then everything that was coordinated at the shareholder meeting is going to be done, if here is Alexander, if I warn him for you, okay bye." Peter hung up the phone and looked at Alexander who was also looking at him. The conversation between his father and Doug Ellis sounded very strange.

"About what you talked to Doug, dad."

"Alexander, the club is going to dismiss David O'Leary and Doug Ellis wants you to take over the club until the end of the season, if the results satisfy the club, they will give you a long-term contract." Peter smiled as he looked at his son.

The coates family has been linked to Aston Villa, for more than 60 years, Alexander's grandfather was a manager in the club, then Peter became president of the club but had to leave to expand the family business and resigned from his position, But I buy club shares. Now his son had the opportunity he had the opportunity to lead the team of his loves.

On the other hand, Alexander was surprised by the news because in his previous life David O'Leary was dismissed at the end of the season, not in the middle of the premier league. It seems that his rebirth had something to do, because the results of this season were much worse than what had happened in his memories.

"Are you sure dad?"

"Yes, but you will only have one contract until the end of the season." Peter smiled.

"It seems that I will have to change my plans a little." Alexander said while looking at his father.

"What are you talking about son?" Peter could not understand what his son was thinking.

"Father, can you speak privately in a private conversation? Not as a club shareholder and coach of a youth team, just a private conversation between father and son." Alexander said suddenly.

Alexander attended: "Yes."

"Father, what do you think of Aston Villa, what kind of club?" After sitting down, Alexander raised such a problem.

"One of the most important clubs in the history of England," Peter said without thinking.

Alexander smiled: "From the perspective of fans, of course, this is the case, but I want to analyze it from another angle."

Peter nodded: "tell me."

"This is a club with little capital and has many debts." Alexander said: "First let's talk about the club's composition: Aston Villa has the highest percentage with 80% of the shares, while our family has 14 percent, there are also several minority shareholders, I know you always wanted to buy more club shares , but if you want to make Aston Villa a sustainable club, you still don't have enough resources. "

The fortune of the coates family had been growing like foam, with the B365 company that had become one of the largest betting channels in the world, the Coates Family had invested in companies such as Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Google, etc. and they had spent millions of pounds buying various properties in Asia and America. For now his fortune became actions and properties, they didn't have much cash at hand.

Peter opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but found nothing to refute Alexander's words. He had told his son about increasing his participation in the club, so he could return to the presidency.

"Not only is the club's economy in decline, every season the club's budget is going down, even if it makes a good campaign until the end of the season, there are no resources to make Aston Villa a club that fights for European competition positions and I don't want the club to go through that. "

"Son, your loyalty to Aston Villa, I am very touched." Peter shook his head: "But what could we do?"

"Even if I consider myself a great coach I don't think I can get Aston Villa out of this crisis without full powers in the team," Alexander laughed. "I want to have full powers in this team and I can only get them, fulfilling a condition."

"What condition son?" Peter looked at his son.

"I want to buy all the shares from Aston Villa and retail shareholders." Alexander looked at his father with a smile on his mouth.

Peter's mouth contracts: "All club actions! Son, are you kidding? Do you know how much these actions are worth?"

"I have money". Looking at the excited father, Alexander said quietly.

Alexander's fortune had risen to a few levels without a presenter, he was a majority shareholder of several companies and owner of hundreds of properties, but the outside was almost unaware, because his fortune was in the name of his sister, mother and his name. He did it not to excel so much.

"Oh, I forgot that you're already a billionaire." Peter remembered the hundreds of millions of pounds in his son's account.

"You're a millionaire but you're still eating my food." Peter smiled.

"Haha, dad is the custom, I also get bored living alone."

Alexander was glad to see his father smile.

"Dad, I want you to negotiate the purchase of the club, I want the club to be in the power of our family, as soon as the season is over, it promises the shareholders if they accept the sale of the club, next season the club will have a transfer budget 55 million pounds. "

Peter was stunned, 55 million pounds, only Chelsea and Manchester United could spend that amount.

"Son, you're sure of what you're saying." Peter spoke in a serious tone.

"You can be sure dad, while the club is in our possession, money is not a problem." Alexander laughed.