Going premium and what does that mean?

Okay, guys, I'm writing this post only now, because no matter how close I got to this date, I still believed that it's too far away to bother you with speaking about it. But as it's just a bit less than a week, I want to go clean.

At the 2.12.2019 (Monday) this book will no longer be a free one.

While all the chapters that I will update up to that day (so 2 chapters daily and another 7 bonus ones that will bring us to 145 chapters) will be and remain free. Starting from 146th chapter, they will sadly (or happily) turn to be premium chapters, meaning that you need to pay for them either with free SS obtained from daily missions or with the one you buy for real money.

Here are a few words that will explain my situation and the overall opinion of this situation.

When I started writing this novel, it was but a way for me to relieve some of my stress caused by working simply too hard on extremely complicated Blood Coin novel of mine. After more than 2 months of hard work, writing 2k long chapters and posting 2 of them most of the time, I didn't even get 100 readers (collections), my views were pitiful etc etc etc.

When I started writing this novel, it was just a tool for me to write freely some stupid plot, cliches and all the stuff that I was always keen to try while knowing that I won't be interested in for long enough to turn it into a proper novel. But as I got invested into this novel, it slowly turned more and more serious, with me planning what those characters will go through, how should I attempt to write some scenes, who should be in love with who, and so on.

As I got offered a contract (that turned live with the gift function appearing on my novel) I knew that I want to give it my all. That's why I moved back to my parents, to be able to write more and more, doing house chores instead of going to work for an extended amount of time every single day.

With the insane growth (in my opinion) of this novel popularity, more than 2.500 readers who added it to their library and almost a million views already, I was trying to push myself to write even more with every single day. While it didn't work well as you might've seen in the past two weeks, I still managed to update the daily chapters and provide all the late chapters that I promised. But what is the endpoint of my investment?

Like all authors, I wish to be able to support myself with my writing. This is the endpoint that I want to achieve and also the reason why I was able to give up my job, living alone and so on. I know perfectly well that I could earn a lot more by going to even a damn McDonalds and working there for the same amount of time that writing this novel takes away from me.

But I don't want to. Writing is my passion, something that I love and something that I will do my best to focus on. I hope that with this novel, I will be at least able to secure my basic needs like food or shelter (but only after 4 months from going premium, the generous offer of this site takes cares for providing for me during this time). That's my only wish. I want to be able to earn enough from this novel, to focus on writing it while not bothering with any other job. 

Can we do it? I honestly don't know. Will I do my best to achieve it? HELL YES.

In the end, let's talk about the future cost of the chapters.

Every chapter is priced according to the number of words in it. Since I'm writing short chapters, I can already say that each of it will cost 6 spirit stones (if the number of words will be between 1.000 and 1.199).

That's the usual length of the chapters in this novel, and I will make sure to keep it. Of course, if there will be times when I won't be able to close the chapter in this number of words, the price will go up, but that will always depend on the number of words, not my wish.

Since I'm going premium, I will also start adding the statement INSIDE the chapters, that if you read it somewhere else but WN blah blah blah. While it will increase the number of words, it will NEVER change the price. 

For example, if the chapters are 1120 words long, with the statement, it will be 1170 words (still 6ss). If the chapter will end up at 1190 words, I will make sure to extend it for a fair bit, to keep the statements fair.

Oh god, I think I have written more than I should. I guess I'm kinda emotional with turning into a professional writer. It's like a dream come true for someone who never expected this to happen!

As to not bore you more, that will be enough for today. Cheers!