Dissapointment and new opportunities

Did I mention that the architecture here overshadowed anything that I saw back in Eve's sect? Well, forget that I ever mentioned it. After leaving the representative area focused thematically around the whole event of the tournament, the buildings turned out to be just as simple and sometimes even shabby as I would expect from any city in kind of medievalistic world. 

As soon as we turned right after the teashop that receptionist told us about, instead of a fancy, colourful and delicate building, we were instantly surrounded by simple blocks made of stones and wood, with the pinnacle of decorum reached by planting some flowers in front of the entrance. 

While this place wasn't the best to go on the date, I was there to trade the seven heavenly Naranakai stones that remained in my storage ring after I left everything else back in the shop under Leila's protection. Even if I regretted that generosity now, there was nothing that I could do about it.,