Unpleasant surprise

"Finally, it's time for our most priced commodity to appear!"

After all the stones were finally auctioned, I gained a bit more than eleven thousand coins! No matter what this next item is, be it useful or not, I need to spend most of this money, otherwise, I won't be able to carry all this wealth with me! With no credit card available in this word, if anyone were to see me receiving an enormous bag of coins like that, I would be done for!

"Ham, what would be the best way to have fun in this city with my newfound wealth? I think I won't be able to use those coins when we join some sect later on, so I would like to quickly get rid of them."

While the auction still not concluded, there is no point in leaving this matter for a later date. With just one item remaining, the chances that it would be anything interesting were small, so I started thinking about my future moves already.