Be wary of the Naturals!


As soon as I revealed this bit, it seemed like Venna was struck by a lightning. Considering how this family was one of the strongest powerhouses in the entire city, it was no wonder that appearance of such an important figure with their blood would make Venna's resolution to conduct business with me waver. Despite being unable to even gauge her strength, I was resolved to fight with her with everything I got if she were to try anything funny.

"No wonder that you aim for their heads then… It's a due time for those bastards to fall from the grace!"

Contrary to by grave expectations, Venna only exhaled with a relief plainly visible in her face before passing the sword back to my hands.

"If you want to pit yourself against them, I can't help but accept your proposal. I only hope that you are not trying to bite more than you can swallow!"