Explaining the idea to the elders

Reading the message didn't give me even a single clue as to what could've happened. We talked only yesterday, so why does Venna summon me again? Or maybe someone got a clue of the scheme that I was trying to make and this was just a bait to get me into a secluded place?

That's the problem of being just a small tool for someone else. Without any other backer that I could relly on, if Venna's faction decided that it was better for them to get rid of me, I would be close to powerless to stop them!

After only a few minutes of following the messenger, we arrived at the building site. In every direction that I looked, I could see crowds and crowds of people rushing to finish their tasks, with a big, old building being the centre of their attention. From the number of various materials and furniture gathered on the courtyard, I could see that this was some serious investment, but I didn't want to believe that it was Venna who actually stood behind this!