The day of the trial

We made a mistake.

While it was not as grave as to define our futures, but despite all the efforts we put into keeping our relationship with Lucia a secret, falling asleep and making her stay in our room for the entire night, rendered all of our previous attempts worthless. It wasn't hard to deduce what was going on from her casual visits in our place, but there wasn't any definite proof for it, giving her at least a bit of leeway in figuring out an excuse for her coworkers, but now, everyone knew that she gave herself to me with certainty!

In an attempt to take responsibility for this mishap, the moment that we woke up, I fed her with enough energy and information to make her finally reach the pinnacle of the mortal realm, the spirit attainment level. While I could easily peer into her cultivation to gauge what kind of spirituality did she obtain, the wish to respect at least this tiny amount of her privacy prevented me from doing so.