Straightforward talks

Ready for everything that the insides of the sect could hit me with, I patiently waited when the guards went to talk with the sentries of the gate. After just a single moment, the massive doors suddenly started to move, revealing the deserted streets and parks filling the entire field of one's view. 

What was there to be wary of? It's just nice scenery!

"Don't let this calm before the storm to lower your guard. We managed to arrive while all the outer disciples are training, while inner and core disciplines are listening to the lectures. All the horrors will begin when those activities will be over."

Probably noticing the curiosity on my face, one of the escorts lowered his head and whispered to me before we stepped inside. As the guards affiliated directly to the Heavenly Sword Sect, unless they were the ones invited, they were not allowed inside the other sect premises. That already spoke wonders about their past when they actually got inside!