Excusing the old man

No matter how one were to look at it, I made my best to prevent anyone else from bidding even higher on this beast. Not only I would be able to profit greatly from this unexpected encounter, but I could also even make use of this situation to get this obvious spy away from the remaining part of the auction!

"Dear sir, while this beast is on the verge of breaking through to a higher realm, it's also true that it's still rather aggressive. As such, I will have to ask you to pay up and then leave with it."

Putting up my kindest smile I could come up with, I threw the unconscious beast at the old man. As for collecting the money, it was a duty of the attendants. If I were to go down and pester the clients every time any items was sold, this auction would take ages and would not be nearly as entertaining to watch as it was now!

"What do you mean by that? Isn't this beast fully tamed?"