Sight from the tribune

"Reporting! Assistant elders didn't meet with any major trouble, outside of a small group of the Natural Edge Sect cultivators. After defeating them, they proceeded to fulfil their orders without any more troubles on the way!"

This day was truly one of the worst that I ever experienced in my life. 

At first, Leroy Jenkins probably wanted to prove himself to be usefull to the protector and openly ordered assistant elders along with Psitra that served under me, to 'invite' Eve to our lodge, so that even if somehow this poor guy overcame all the odds, she would still be in our hands.

Despite not being interested in politics at all, even I knew some details about this young man actions. While a small part of my mind wanted to just scoff at him, screaming "serves you right!", I believed I should be proud that I still ended up being ashamed.

If we dared to proclaim that we are the second greatest bullies in this city, no one would dare to claim the first place!