Santa's appearance

"Enabling the decorations feature."

In that instant, I saw the whole world filling with information. As if I was transported to a futuristic world where augmented reality was a thing, I saw windows popping up above literally everything. From the barrier that was shattering above me, to the man standing in front of me, I could literally read everything about them from those boxes!

"Nelson Bu'Ha'Dai"

"Age: 47"

"Cultivation Realm: Saint, Essence Control"

"Title: Protector of the Draconic Sabre Sect"


Strenght: 7214

Agility: 5441

Intelligence: 6412

Wisdom: 2908

Constitution: 9317

Resistance: 8136


With everything outlined right before my eyes, I could even see a short story describing his life, most important events and greatest fears that this guy faced in his life. 

Just what the hell did I miss right off the bat when I was given this system?