Parasitic Core (part 2)


"The parasitic core will now activate."

"Brace for the impact!"

Wait a minute, what impact?

Despite continuously pouring all I had in me into healing Eve, I used one of the freshly appearing wounds to drip a few drops of my blood on the top of the core before covering it with the loose earth.

The system reacted right away.

As if willing to let the suspense chew away at my confidence and already fragile state of mind, Bonger left me hanging.

Suddenly, the tomb that I created for the core, exploded!

With the clumps of earth falling everywhere around, I shielded Eve's lifeless body with my own. Her state was already too close to the point where no matter what I do, I wouldn't be able to save her. I wasn't going to let this dirty and unsanitised earth enter her wound as well!