Chaotic foreplay (smut)

With all the excitement going on, it was insanely easy for me to forget even basic manners. Just from pushing the very tip inside Heila's soft place, I could swear my vision blurred from the number of stars that suddenly appeared everywhere around.

"Hang on!"

As if today was short of a few more interruptions, Jessie once again butted in, this time with the clear intention of doing so.

But instead of explaining what she had on mind this time, she simply grabbed Heila's torso and raised it a bit, only to sneak under her while allowing the sister-in-law head to fall down on her abdomen.

"I know you are excited, but it's still her first!"

As if I was guilty of any part of the madness that was going on here, she looked at me with reproach, before reaching with her hands for the Heila's head.


Even before this lively girl could react in any way to the sudden change to the pace of the events, she was silenced by a surprisingly deep kiss!