Short break and talk with Jessie (smutty scene, but no smut)

"I'm not really sure that we should go through with it…"

With my balls emptied, my morality seemed to return back to my soul, reenacting the blockade that I felt whenever I looked at Jessie. Just by thinking about all the soft stuff that we already did, made me feel bad for the guy waiting for his wife in my island, so going even further with this relationship could only prove disastrous!

Even if Gabriel's helpers couldn't be said to be valuable citizens of my small world, they were still its first inhabitants! This fact alone should be enough to grant them some basic rights that any human from the earth would enjoy!

"Don't give me that crap now! I'm the one to choose who I will let impregnate me! With all the losses that our tribe suffered, we need as many strong children as we can get, and looking at Heila's expression, I can expect wonderful results from you!"