
"Thank you for acceding to my request for meeting you. I'm Baleor from the Balian clan, and I came here to have a talk with you. The legendary shielding technique that you shared with the lord managed to stir quite a discussion back at my clan, hence, I am here to check it out personally."

Sitting down around a small, circular table, I got japnuesse vibes from how long this table was, forcing everyone to sit directly on the floor instead of using chairs like any normal people. 

"There really isn't that much to this technique. It's something developed in my family, and if you heard about my passion, you should know what kind of oddballs we all are."

Like always, bullshiting was the way to go! There was completely no reason for me to give them any sort of information, especially with how likely I would be making enemies out of them during my soon-to-be rampage.