Dry land

"Something is wrong with your stronghold… The core system keeps spamming some sorts of notifications…"

Instead of my vision returning, the first thing I experienced during my travel through the darkness occasionally enriched by a single look at my own perception instead of using Bonger to observe the world around me. wasn't the sandy beach of the new island with various colours of nature and settlements filling the view, but the voice of a Bonger. 

To make things worse, he was clearly distressed!

*Speak to me! What sort of notifications? What's going on?*

With no other sensory feelings, Bonger's voice was the only thing that lighted this dark world around me, but with how pressing the issue was, I couldn't help but feel worried! Flying through the air in an unknown direction, over the seas I never visited before, with my entire body set on going on a rampage as soon as it sees any target, and now I learned something wrong was going on with my stronghold?