Beach orgy (Part 1) (Smut... Do I even need to spell it out?)

This girl's word brough a completely different effect than what she most likely expected. Instead of fanning the flames that she could recognise from my lower body already presenting an honest bulge, she reminded me of another girl that was as eager to be impregnated by me as this girl was. 

"I don't think this is the right time."

Sighting, I pushed the girl away from my body, light enough to not even make her trip. There would always be a time to have some fun with her later on, but for now, the most important task at hand was to gather intel required for me to come back home.

"Do you know about any other inhabited islands around here? And if you don't know, do you know where I should look for the answers? Even if we lost the war, I just can't let go of my home."