Evening talk (part 2)

"What do you mean by that?!"

While I didn't expect this to be brough up at this moment, all the possible reasons for this information being hidden on the beach and revealed when I was already in their village popped up in my head, almost making me reach for the snakebite that was lying beside me. Only the peaceful and calm expression of Jeleria made me hold my hand for long enough to let her explain herself.

"You see, it's not about knowing IF there is a ship coming from a different island. It's about, which island did you even mean in the first place?"

Asking this question, Jeleria threw me a playful and sad glance, as if she knew what sort of thoughts that would provoke in my mind.

And even if unintentionally, she was perfectly right!

There was more than one island that this heavenly city was in contact with? What was the nature of the relationship between those islands and this particular one? What was the deeper meaning of this all?