Moving to a new place

By the time I have fallen on my knees, grabbed Monica's hand and placed a light kiss on top of her fingers, one of the elders from the group that guided me along the city opened up some sort of portal, by squeezing yet another see-through stone he pulled from his robes. At this point, I could only be happy that I saw this action from behind Monica's body, shielded from the sight presented by this amulet or something.


"I hereby acknowledge elder Monica as my teacher. Is that okay?"

After raising my mouth from her hand, I saw how she graced me with yet another light smile of hers, completely disregarding the commotion starting behind her back. Only when the sounds of internalised disgust turned into the cacophony of retching noise, she attempted to turn her head around in order to check what was going on, only for me to pull on her hands.