Monica's summons

"What the hell was that!"

With just the tip of the makeshift scale that I came up with now poking out from the inner wall of my room, the disciples gathered in my room instantly became startled, moving their eyes on top of this strange element that suddenly entered the room.

"What, you never saw pierogi-dragon scale?"

Using the opportunity when their eyes were averted, I instantly used all the speed I had to sneak inside and take up the same position that the illusion had, before pretending to open my eyes and uttering some bullshit name for the monster created right in my head.

While the origin of its name could be disputed, the fact that I suddenly felt hungry from all the thinking and had a moment of craving for this foreign, eastern European dish might have something to do with it.

"What the heck do you mean by that? No matter how powerful the beast… Wait, you are awake?"