Collecting the data

After dealing with the disciple that acted in a very similar way to the first guardian of the barrier I met in this life, all the way back in the sword sect city, I followed his advice and went all the way to the doors that would lead me to the goose sect… Only to move past them and start counting the doors on either side. With how I lacked even the general knowledge about this place, its customs, history and literally anything but just a few bits that I learned from the random people I met on my way here, there was no point trying to learn specialistic parts right away.

After passing through exactly thirty doors more, half of each side of the plain but perfectly even corridor, I finally reached my first destination. Yet, despite how insane the barrier protecting this place was, the doors leading to the main building of the library that all the sects had access to, the doors that most likely lead to its main chamber, looked far plainer than I expected!