
I wasn't stupid enough to expect the crowd to suddenly start cheering after such a great revelation. While they politely waited for me to pass both of the messages, even when I did so, it didn't change the fact that either of that information alone would be enough to shatter their minds into pieces by itself, not to speak about two of them combined!

"Fear not. I made sure to seal that space. While there is a chance that some prisoners were kept there, regretfully, I had no other option if I wanted to save you from those devious people. And with that said, I need to rest now, all the fighting I did, took its toll on me."

Despite being the saviour of those people in a sense, I didn't feel any sort of connection with them. If I could use those people to find a good place for Pengu to grow and prosper while using the situation to amass even more knowledge and experience, then I was down for it.