After all, I promised.

At first, there were no visible signs that something went wrong. Considering how we went at it despite the pitiful state the two of us were in, I didn't found anything strange when Eve's eyes clouded up, making her expression look like she had the time of her life. 

After all, with all this time that she spent deprived of all the bodily sensory feelings, suddenly enjoying such a deep connection with me mixed with the carnal pleasure of making love with me would easily warrant such a slight change to her.

Yet as few moments went by, I finally realised that something was wrong. 

Not only Eve's eyes turned completely absent as if she couldn't even perceive what was going on around her, her skin started rupturing all over! 

Yet before I could even figure out just what the fuck was going on, the force that Bonger somehow managed to stop from attacking me, returned all the more powerful!