Three victims

"They are really taking their time…"

Sitting down directly at the stairs leading to the open area of Monica's mansion consisting of nothing but columns and light roof, I gazed at the sky while resting my back against the front column of the entire row.

Since I didn't want to bother with all the attention that would be born out of Bonger's meddling, I had to use my hiding ability to have some time for myself. Yet rather than immersing my consciousness into reading through all the data stored in my library tool, I took this rare, free time of mine to ponder about my future.

No matter what, it was given that we would go to the great continent, if not for our own sake, then at least to fulfil my promise to Celeria. Yet even before doing so, I would have to wait for the rest of my group to find their own candidates to being a Jelleria's sister, so that this last bound that held me back to this place would be finally lifted.