
With how I moved back to the village with just a single jump of mine, it took me a while before I turned around to finally notice a huge set of sharp stakes surrounding the entire settlement.

Back when I first visited this place, it was build right in the open, with not even a single fence surrounding it, yet right now, it looked like a village that was used as the battlefield between two modern armies from the earth.

Most of the stakes that I could see around this place were either broken into several parts or covered in stinky blood, leaving only several parts of the barricade intact.

"Just what the heck happened here?"

Despite being in the exact same place just a few moments ago, as I finally had the time to look around with care, I finally noticed all the signs of battle that marked this entire place. Yet what was even more surprising, I couldn't find even a single hint of human invasion here!

"Stay here for a moment."