Ranks of the monsters

"For the start… Let's go with unarmed combat…"

Only thanks to my keen senses I was able to pick up what Eve told before she started trodding towards the incoming wave of the monsters. Just a quick look forward was enough for me to recognise several species and types of the monsters, yet the closer I looked at this mass of weird monsters and animals, the harder it was for me to understand just what the hell was driving them mad like that!


Before I could form any real thought about the underlying cause for the current situation, Eve reached the end of the narrow corridor created with my barriers, and sent her first attack forth, bitchslapping the unfortunate wolf-like monster. Unable to even let go of a simple whimper, this seven-legged monster was sent flying through the tight mass of its own compatriots, creating a long scar on the face of the monster's army.