
It took fifteen damned seconds for the pillar of blinding light that erupted from my hands to finally vanish. The only thing that I could compare it to, was a silly movie of a cartoon character of one of the simple, two-dimensional fighter games that I used to play back as the kid. The only difference was, that back in that game, the thick line of instakilling light was ending in a place that the screen could no longer project, yet in the current situation, this fallen column of blinding death didn't seem to have any limits in terms of its length!

At the very least, I could tell that either my angle of attack was incorrect, making this fire spell of mine actually break through the atmosphere and extend somewhere into the outer space of this universe, someone actually managed to stop it with some insanely powerful shield in some faraway place, or the most likely scenario, it penetrated deeply into the sea, finally dampening its power in a place that my eyes couldn't reach.