Lord Makay

"My lord, a group of guests have arrived. They are seeking an audience with you!"

Sitting in the waiting chamber of what looked like a pitiful excuse of a castle, we could clearly hear the words of the chamberlain as he announced our arrival. Sadly, the same couldn't be said about the Lord's words, as by the time the Lord's servant has returned to accompany us, I didn't hear a single word more.

"The lord Makay is awaiting you."

Bowing his head as low as his knees, this man was clearly taught to be as subservient to everyone as it was humanly possible. Just this alone could spark doubts about the character of this poor man's employer! 

Thankfully, I didn't need him to be kind. I didn't care whether he was a tyrant to his people or the most benevolent lord that would ever step on this ground. At this point, all those stupid allegations I had to some random humans scattered all over the world, were simply dead.