Mundane tasks

"So, how did it go?"

Back in the construction site of our house, Eve was already busying herself with preparing yet another feast for the three of us, while both Celleria and Otto were nowhere to be seen.

"Rather good. I managed to convince him to get someone to carry away all the prey that I will hunt, bringing us the huge portion of the money for the haul instead. Thanks to this, I won't have to bother carrying everything to the market in order to obtain some basic resources. Could you imagine doing that?"

Laughing out loud, I made sure to turn the volume of my words up to the point that as long as Otto was anywhere near our place, he would have to hear them. After all, the true visit to Lord Makay was aimed not at dealing with this small annoyance, but at offering him my help and possibly trying to sound him off about the system…

But who could've known that he would turn out to be someone far more powerful than me?