If I'm the god of this universe...?

"Bonger… Before I go to do my own, normal thing… Tell me, will this be possible to return to that world for a little longer?"

After experiencing the details of a real-world that I longed for, for so long… I sadly couldn't find any difference from what I could live through on any of the planets that held any basic form of life. As long as I was willing to tinker around creating a temporary body for myself, I could even freely enjoy the sensations that were simply not possible for any human to even experience…

But it wasn't about experiencing things. If I wanted some cheap thrills or fun, there was nothing stopping me from manipulating the growth of life on any given planet to make it evolve into human-like creatures. With enough efforts, I would create entire planets filled with everything that I could ever desire… That is if my mentality didn't grow above those pitiful, earthy desires.