Many Improvements

After waiting a few hours, Cain noticed one of the Rhinos heading out by itself. Once the Rhino was a decent distance away from the rest of the group, Cain decided to strike. Normally the instant stop gene would stop time for a second, but Cain had the multi-instant stop gene, which would freeze time for 2 seconds and gain an additional second of time stop with every level up. Additionally he had the slow gene which could further support the multi-instant stop gene, making each instant last twice as long. All in all with his current strength he could stop time for 4 seconds within a small area.

The weakness of this ability was defense, if someone's defense was to strong then no matter how long you stopped time for it wouldn't matter. Cain could only use this ability once every hour or so and that was because he had the legendary quality gene, the regular one would have a cooldown of around 24 hours.

The desert was empty, making ambushes nearly impossible so Cain decided to just grab the Rhino's attention. He threw a rock onto the Rhino making it go mad with rage. these Rhinos were well known for having extremely short tempers, another reason people tended to avoid them. The Rhino charged at Cain with red eyes, however it simply couldn't keep up with Cain. Most of its stats were focused on strength and defense, making it's speed lackluster. Cain tried to pierce through its thick skin, but he wasn't strong enough.

He decided to waste no more time before testing out his new ability. The Rhino that was initially running across the desert kicking up a storm froze in place. Cain stabbed his spear through the Rhino's eye, killing it instantly. The moment the time stop disappeared, the rhino collapsed onto the floor. Cain was extremely satisfied with this performance, had he tried fighting the Rhino in the past it would of been a bit of a challenge, but with this ability it was no problem.

Cain stored the entire corpse of the Rhino into his watch. The watch Cain currently had was worth 200,000 credits, a premium version of the one most people had, it had a storage space for scenarios like this. Even though the quest only requested the tusk, the rest of the rhino could fetch a great price as well. Its body was filled with material that Genetic Researchers had plenty of use for.

"Senior brother Cain is back, he isn't carrying anything with him though"

"Naturally you idiot, how would he carry such a massive beast all the way back here. He probably has a storage device"

Graxi didn't waste her chance to start insulting Cain

"I doubt Cain has a storage device. He can't even afford a nice outfit, how could he afford a storage device"

"No need to talk trash Nasty Graxi, we'll find out who won this bet soon"

Cain walked into the mission room, with a flip of his wrist, a red tusk that was giving off a strong heat appeared. He handed the tusk over and left the room under everyone's watchful eyes.

"Looks like you owe me a gene stimulating elixir, Nasty Graxi"

"Hmph, it's just a stupid gene stimulating elixir, you can have it"

Cain spent the last few days of summer break left training and researching. In the blink of an eye the summer was over and Cain was now officially a year 2 student. He walked into the small classroom that only consisted of 4 other students. The teacher soon walked in, he was a scruffy old man, but to be in charge of teaching the A rank class, he must be a rather well known professor.

"Alright everyone, I only have one rule that I hope you all don't break during this school year, and that is to behave. I hope our school can perform well in this year's Genetic Research Competition, so I shall train you all to the best of my abilities"

Cain had heard of this Genetic Research Competition in the past. All schools across the Genetic Union that were dedicated to Genetic Research would take part, Accelerated Institution usually got around 7th place, which wasn't good nor bad. This Genetic Research Competition was the easiest way to find out which school was the greatest, and hence it was an extremely important event that could either make or break a school.

Cain wasn't to worried about this event and put all his attention on studying, he would attend his classes in the morning, and research and train at night, a repetitive cycle. He felt he was improving faster now that he had a good teacher, his past teacher only taught them the basics of the basics which couldn't help Cain advance his skills whatsoever, but this new teacher was extremely skilled, answering all of Cain's questions without a problem.

Cain took on more quests now as well, he would also use the schools gravity chamber to temper his strength. Soon Cain got a new nickname, Mission Machine, he was finishing missions like they were nothing, and his usage of his slow gene and multi-instant stop gene was constantly increasing. Cain was starting to feel suffocated in the school, he no longer had any opponents, and the quests kept getting easier. His teacher was also no longer capable of answering his questions, and Cain had read through nearly every book the school had to offer.

Cain was meditating in his room as he opened his stat screen.

Strength: 13.5

Speed: 28.8

Defense: 13.5

Genes:[Inner Vision : Level - 1/1] [Slow : Level - 8/10] [Multi-Instant Stop : Level - 2/4]