Snake Man

Cain eventually reached the middle of the jungle. An arena was sitting there, as if waiting for the final battle. Cain stood on the arena and waited, eventually another man walked out of the jungle and into Cain's sight. The man was thin, his pupils were slits, as if he was a snake looking for some prey. The second he laid his eyes on Cain, Cain felt a shiver go up his spine. This man go of a very powerful bloodlust, showing that he had killed plenty in the past.

The man slowly walked up to the arena and stood in front of Cain, the two were looking face to face, waiting for the other to break first. Cain used his slow effect on the thin man, hoping to catch him off guard, unfortunately the thin man avoided the spear tip by an inch. The way he moved was strange, like a snake dancing. Each time he dodged, he would only move the part of his body that was in the way of the weapon, the rest of him would stay still.

Cain was annoyed with the thin man, he wasn't attacking back at all. However the second Cain had that thought the thin man attacked, as if he had been waiting for Cain to slip up. His nails stabbed towards Cain's head, the tip of the nails were oozing a green liquid, clearly poisonous.

Cain swerved back but still got sliced across the cheek, he suddenly felt his vision go somewhat blurry and his power drop.

"You've already been struck by my sedative poison, this fight is already my victory"

The man's tongue darted around as he said that, and his laugh sounded like a snake hissing. Cain tried his hardest to keep his eyes open, but he felt extremely tired. The man didn't even attack during this moment, as if he had already won the battle. Cain was stumbling around the arena, everytime he stepped it seemed he would fall over, but his determination kept him standing.

"For you to be standing this long after being affiliated with my poison, it's quite impressive. Let me help put you to sleep, si si si"

The man seemed bored of watching Cain struggle, so he stabbed forward with his sharp nails. However Cain's eyes that were blurry, seemed to clear up a little. He dodged the attack but his movements seemed a little slow compared to the past. Cain had used his slow effect on himself, it slowed his movements but also slowed the speed of infection by the sedative poison, it was akin to a double-edged sword.

Cain had tried to use his time stop on the man, but it didn't work. It seemed this man had mainly invested in strength, because his speed and defense were quite mediocre. Cain decided to change his angle, if he couldn't freeze the thin man, he would freeze something else. He used his time stop on the thin man's boots. The thin man who was lunging at him with full force suddenly stopped and nearly flew out of his boots. Taking this chance, Cain stabbed forward, piercing right through the man's torso.

Cain, having won the fight, collapsed under his exhaustion. When he woke up he realized he was back in the hotel room he had joined the event in. He quickly checked his storage space and saw a beautiful glass bottle sitting in there. Cain picked it up and swooshed the liquid around a little. The liquid was a crisp blue color, it was giving off a shine and was extremely alluring.

Cain took off the stopper and sniffed the liquid, he could feel his genes strengthen just from the smell alone. Cain downed the entire liquid in a single go, he felt every aspect of himself strengthen, an elixir of this grade didn't only strengthen the genes, but it also strengthened a person's stats. The liquid spread throughout his entire body filling him up with endless vitality, he quickly stood up and started practicing his spear skills to release the extra energy.

Cain ended up spending an entire night training nonstop before his energy finally ran out. He was extremely exhausted and felt like there wasn't even a single drop of power left in his body. He finally woke up the next day and felt far stronger than he did yesterday, he felt that with his current power, he could defeat that thin man with a single swing of his spear.

Strength: 45

Speed: 65

Defense: 45

Genes:[Inner Vision : Level - 1/1] [Slow : Level - 10/10] [Multi-Instant Stop : Level - 4/4]

Cain checked his stats the moment he woke up and was extremely satisfied. He still had around half a year left before the headmasters due date was up, but all he needed to do now was fuse his gene's and he'd have achieved his goal. However for many this was where their genetic journey ended, the process of fusing was extremely difficult and dangerous, a single mistake would turn you into a cripple, wasting years of your life all for nothing. This was a common scenario and has happened to plenty of Genetic Warriors in the past. To make sure this doesn't happen, you must have an exact idea of what you're fused gene will become

Most people choose the road already travelled, that way they can just look towards their predecessors to get an idea of what they could do. For example, plenty of people choose the stone skin gene, and the giant gene, which can fuse together to form the rock monster gene. Some people who were more confident in themselves would choose something more special, but naturally that came with higher risks as well.

Cain was currently on the path of time, which was a rare and rarely travelled road, which meant he'd have to figure out everything himself unless he managed to find a senior who also took this road to give him advice. Cain decided to head to the Emerald Auction House, that place had plenty of good stuff and Cain had been saving his wealth for a long time. He might be able to find something useful there, which would give him an idea of what his fusion would potentially be like.